學校 |
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名稱 |
小港高中 |
214 |
曾〇翔 |
A Little Princess
書名/A Little Princess推薦者/小港高中‧曾〇翔內容簡介:
A little girl named Sara, who is intelligent and sometimes has maturer views than her father. Her mom had died when she was born. Her father, Captain Crewe was a British soldier and also all she had in the world. Since Captain Crewe loved Sara intensely, he always gave more than she needed and bought everything she wanted, including Emily. Emily was a doll which still stood by her side after her dad had gone. At her age of seven, Captain Crewe had to come back to the army in India, so he sent Sara to Miss Minchin’s School, and told the owner “You must take good care of her for me(p.10).” After entering the new school, Sara made a number of friends owing to her enthusiastic personality. On the other hand, some girls also envied her good interpersonal relationships and sometimes taunted her. A terrible news that Captain Crewe died of fatal fever came to Sara. He suddenly fell ill, because he couldn’t stand the astonishing news that he lost all his money in his friend’s diamond mines. Dead so unexpectedly, Captain Crewe leaving Sara nothing. Actually, Sara asked Miss Minchin ”May I work? ” instead of bursting out crying when she heard about her dad’s news. Afterward, she became a servant and slept in an attic. During the period in the attic, Sara often looked at the landscape outside the window after running a large number of errands. In the meanwhile, she saw her new neighbor, Mr. Carrisford, the owner of the diamond mines. In other words, he was Captain Crewe’s friend. He blamed himself fairly and believed that he was the person who ruined Sara’s dad. As a result, he made up his mind to find Sara in order to compensate for her loss; despite the fact that he had no idea where Sara was. Sara had endless work to do every day as long as she stayed in the school. But, she still strained every nerve to finish it, just for survival. Even though Miss Minchin didn’t treat her as a person or offer her meals sometimes, she didn’t utter a word to complain. One day, a girl was not only falsely accused of stealing something but also slapped face by Miss Minchin. Thus, Sara couldn’t stand it and decided to react against her. However, it didn’t make the situation better until she met Mr. Carrisford. In the end of the story, Sara obtained assistance from Mr. Carrisford and finally got through this difficult period of her life by her optimistic attitude toward life. Furthermore, she also got the ample fortune from Mr. Carrisford. However, she dedicated all her money to charity rather than lived in lavish lifestyle. After reading this fiction, I am convinced it is crucial that we keep the spirit of never giving up, no matter what hardships we might face in the future.
瑞祥高中 |
二年六班 21號 |
陳〇蓁 |
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
書名/Alice's Adventures In Wonderland推薦者/瑞祥高中‧陳〇蓁內容簡介:
It was a hot summer day. Alice sat next to her sister under the trees, bored and sleepy. Suddenly Alice saw a White Rabbit with white gloves, and she ran after him. Then Alice fell down a rabbit hole and found herself in a long, dark room with doors all around the walls. For the purpose of opening one small door, Alice drank something from a bottle and got very small. Unfortunately, she got too small to get the gold key on a table with three legs. Hence, she ate a small cake, saying “EAT ME” and got too big to get through the small door. While Alice couldn’t help crying, she saw the White Rabbit hurry down the long dark room, jump wildly and drop his gloves and a fan. Picking up the gloves and the fan, and fanning herself cool, Alice was getting smaller and smaller, and fell into the pool of her tears. Just then she saw a mouse swimming near her. Alice spoke to it in her poor French: “Where is my cat?”, which scared the mouse right away. At last she found her way out and rested under a flower in a wood. There on top of a mushroom was a large caterpillar, smoking a pipe and asking Alice to explain herself. Alice took the caterpillar′s advice to eat one side of the round mushroom to get taller. She became so tall that a bird flying around screamed “Egg Thief”. Next, she ate the other side of the mushroom carefully to get shorter. After getting back to her normal size, Alice went into the Duchess′s kitchen, where the Cheshire Cat was grinning and a baby was screaming. The Duchess gave the baby to Alice, but the baby turned into a pig and ran away. Then Alice had a conversation about mad people with the Cheshire Cat, which proved Alice that she herself was mad too. Later at the tea-party, the March Hare and the Hatter tried to put the Dormouse into the teapot. And the Hatter had a watch which didn′t show the time. The tea-party never finished and they just went on moving around the table. Alice thought it was a very stupid tea-party and went away. Finally in the Queen’s croquet game, everybody used flamingoes for mallets and hedgehogs for balls, while the Queen went around saying angrily “Off with his/ her/its head.” After the croquet, there was a jury trial to find out who stole the tarts made by the Queen of Hearts. At the end, Alice began to argue with the Queen without fear because she was getting much bigger and even taller than everybody in that room. As soon as Alice said, ”you are only a pack of cards”, the pack of cards began to fall on Alice′s face and turned into leaves. Alice woke up.
道明中學 |
高中一年級1甲班 |
莊〇憲 |
To Kill a Mockingbird
書名/To Kill a Mockingbird推薦者/道明中學‧莊〇憲內容簡介:
The book was written based on some real stories in history and Harper Lee’s background. This story had been separated into two parts, but also cleverly connected in an unexpected way.
In the south of Alabama, there was a city called Maycomb, where the Finch family lived. The bread and butter winner, named Atticus, worked as a lawyer in the town. His two children, Jeremy Atticus Finch and Jean Louise Finch (which was represented as "Jem" and "Scout" in the story), lost their mother in their childhood. The first part was about their little adventures in two summer vacations. The two had always been curious about their mysterious neighbor, Arthur "Boo" Radley. All the stories about him was a taboo that not a citizen in the town dared to talk about. To solve their doubts to the cryptic “Boo”, they made a plan with a child in the neighborhood, Dill, to elicit him. With their plans going on, they frequently found gifts, such as little sculptures carved with soaps, lying on the tree beside the Radley’s house. There were some interactions between the kids and Boo, but Boo never showed up in front of them.
As the time went on, an enormous incident enveloped the whole town. Bob Ewell, a white, accused Tom Robinson, a black slave, of raping his daughter, Mayella. Atticus was in charged of defending for Tom; however, he met with many obstacles. Everyone in town, even Jem’s and Scott’s classmates, started calling Atticus “Nigger Lover.” Also, their neighbors, who were members of the KKK, intimidated them at night. These teasing and danger confused the two children. As Scott asked his father if it was really correct to help the blacks, Atticus answered, “Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” They realized they did nothing wrong but what they did was just not what everyone expected. Slowly, through Atticus’s hard-working, everyone saw what he insisted on and changed their mind. At the final trail, Atticus lost, which made a strong shock to Jem. He had always believed that the justice but not the rascim would win forever, but the result negated his belief. “There's a lot of ugly things in this world, son.” Atticus told him, “I wish I could keep 'em all away from you. That's never possible.” Though Tom Robinson died, Atticus won the respect of the people, especially the slaves in the town. Since the lying girl and her father lost their fame, they decided to revenge. One night, when Jem and Scott were on their way home after the party, Bob tried to kill them. Jem passed out after knocking on a rock, and Scott was in extreme danger. It was Boo Radley that came to rescue, accidently killed Bob, and brought the two kids home. Ultimately, they learned and became mature. As they grow, their stories keep going on.
福誠高中 |
104 |
黃〇祥 |
The major role called Mary is a girl whose parents were dead.Thus,she went to Misselthwaite Manor to welcome the new life.In there,Mary even though had to live with her strange uncle who she hadn`t seen before.
Mary`s new life starts at her uncle`s home.There is a wide land outside the house, Mary`s new servant tells her that she can go outside playing.One day,when Mary was playing in the garden,she surprisingly finds a wooden door which is locked and looks like a thing which has been there for a long time.Before the lunch time,Mary goes to ask the servant what the wooden door is.The servant tells her the other side of the door is a garden which has been closed after your uncle`s wife died and the key was buried.The servant doesn`t know where the key is, either.And the servant additionally tells Mary that her uncle has ordered that nobody can go into the garden after the door was locked.Mary is confused by the garden after the servant tells her something about it.That night,Mary feels she suffers from insomnia due to the things about the secret garden.
Another day, Mary goes to that garden again ,this time,she wants to find something special about the secret garden.When she is standing on the other garden,a bird approaches her slowly,before Mary walks toward the bird,it rapidly jumps away from her.Mary quickly understands that the bird wants to lead her to somewhere.Mary follows it carefully.Eventually,the bird stops at a small hill and stands on it, Mary suddenly realizes what bird want to show to her.She digs and accidentally finds a key.Mary supposes that the key is the way to get into the secret garden.She take the key and happily runs toward the door to the secret garden.Amazingly,the wooden is opened by Mary.In the garden , there are plenty of roses but covered by the weeds.
At the evening , Mary walks outside the house again , and she is surprised that a boy is blowing the flute under the tree. Mary goes to talk to him and chats happily until the dinner is already prepared.
On a rainy night, Mary suddenly finds a boy called Colin who has a serious sickness and has to stay in bed forever .Colin is doubted to have a back symptom from his father,and it`s said that the symptom will result in death.So,Colin hasn`t gone out his room and meet anyone except the servants after born.One day , Mary goes to chat with Colin and hopes that he can recover quickly and they can go outside playing together .Mary additionally tells other things about the secret garden to Colin, Colin is excited about the interesting garden and wants to see it,but he always say that his symptom won`t be cured and he will die soon.Mary heards that and encourages Colin positively. Thus,Mary and the boy who always be with lots of animals called Dickon discusses a plan to take Colin out and play in the garden together.
On a sunny day , Mary and Dickon go to Colin`s room and plan to take him to the secret garden. Outside the house , Colin feels all the things and pressure are released . Mary tells Colin that take a full breath in the air and he will feel the warmth of the spring . This time , three new friends are happily playing in the garden. Colin tells them this is the most joyful time he has ever had in the life.
左營高中 |
107/20 |
邱〇喆 |
Forget to Remember
書名/Forget to Remember推薦者/左營高中‧邱〇喆內容簡介:
There are two sisters,Jan and Kate,whose mother,Susie, had lost her memories after her husband died four years ago.The two sisters always told about their mother,but Jan had been tired of being her mother's babysitter,while Kate spent all the time working and with the family.Because all of that,Jan has to take turns with her daughter to take of her mother.Her daughter,Cindy, has changed a lot and because of Susie,but sometimes Susie let Cindy feel weird and tired,at the same time,Kate has marriage problem with her husband,because her husband fell in love with other woman let them divorce.In addition,Susie has a trip of her birthday,Cindy take her to the pier,where she used to go with her husband.Also they met an Italian restaurant's waiter and his grandfather and they all are interested in both of them.After a wonderful day,Susie had already fallen asleep,with a smile on her face.On the next day,Jan and Cindy found out Susie died in her sweet dream.
立志高中 |
普通科一年一班 |
林〇卉 |
The Hate U Give
書名/The Hate U Give推薦者/立志高中‧林〇卉內容簡介:
"Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right." This is probably the best annotation of the book—The Hate U Give.In the book our protagonist, Starr, an African American who been through a thrilling and meaningful fight for racial discrimination. The story broke out in a typical high school party, which quickly turned into a war ground of two gangs. Starr was there with her old friend—Khalil. When they heard the gun shot, they decided to flee the scence. As they drove away from the threat of the gang, a white police officer pulled them over for no reason and preformed a body search on Khalil. However, the worsteds thing still happened. While the police was checking Khalil's documents, Khalil reached inside the car for his hair brush. Unluckly, when this action was seen by the police, Khalil was shot three times in the back. Because the police thought he was reaching for a weapon. The second time, Starr witnessed the death of her friend. After these awful tragedies, Starr was traumatized. She decided to fight for her old friend. Because she deeply believes that she was the only one who knows the truth,and she must stood out for Khalil. She went on media and started movements to tell the society that her friend was innocently shot from the back while just grabbing his hair brush. I not only saw the brave Starr shows, but also saw the commendable of affection and friendship. During the fight for the racial equality, her family became the best spiritual stay. Giving her courage as support and telling her the truth must be spoke out. On the other hand, as being a student who lives in the "ghetto" but attends a "white school" she has lots of friends. They joined Starr's crazy adventure; they tried to halt the white police's partial punishment by taking action. All because of brave and love, this was the reason why they risked their lives. At the end of the book, Starr said to Khalil, though he wasn't able to heard it,:"Khalil, I'll never forget. I'll never give up. I'll never be quiet."This book really touched me. The first time I read it, I was shocked, I asked myself what that meant and why the author used such extreme language. However, as I continued reading, I came to realization that the hate people give to each other, including younglings, really spreads our society. To conclude and take action, although society isn't always fair, we shouldn't let it control what we should to or how we should feel. And we should always fight for right just like what Starr did for Khalil. All in all, I recommended this book to who give up things easily, and to those who think their self as nobody. We should always remember "a stone that is fit for a wall is not left on the highway." Without a doubt, each of us is a valuable and important force which can change the world.
福誠高中 |
H102 |
蔡〇宇 |
Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes
書名/ Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes推薦者/福誠高中‧蔡〇宇內容簡介:
Of all Greek mythical fictions, I believe this book attracts teenagers the most. it is very interesting and easily understandable. this author have made Percy Jackson himself to tell us the tales of 12 famous Greek heroes. They where Perseus, Psyche, Phaethon, Otrera, Daedalus, Theseus, Atalanta, Bellerophon, Cyrene, Orpheus, Hercules, and Jason, various of their heroic actions are collected in the book, such as killing Medusa, saving the kingdom from the sea monster Kraken, or build up the Amazon Warriors and fight for females whom's been abused by men.
The difference from the other kinds of novels is that the author, or should I say Percy, uses a very modern and buzzwords to help us understand each story he told, instead of telling the story begin with “once upon a time”, he figured out to use online words for modern people to understand, or use the current timeline as background as an example to annotate the stories confusing spots, which made it simpler for us to read.
It's also educational, such as the “hero” Daedalus, he’s actually the cause of a mass massacre of Greek people, and just because he’s the son of a god, he held the name of “hero”, but is he really worthy?
Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes, a great book for all of us to discover and enjoy.
福誠高中 |
204 |
莊〇卉 |
if i stay
書名/if i stay推薦者/福誠高中‧莊〇卉內容簡介:
Seventeen-year-old Mia has a warm, lovely family. Her dad used to be a rock musician in a band but he is an English teacher now. Her mom is a devoted housewife, sometimes working on piecework. Teddy is her dear little brother also fascinated by rock music as their dad. Actually, this is a family of rock music lovers except Mia, who is totally different from her family members. She is shy, introvert and a little bit unconfident. However, she has been obsessed with playing the cello since she was young. The love is so deep that she gives it her all. She practices day and night, hoping to fulfill her dream- attending the Juilliard School, the most prestigious in the performing arts. One day a boy goes by the practice room. Attracted to the gentle rhythm, he stops and sees Mia. That’s how Adam starts to get into her life. Gradually, a romantic relationship is developed despite their different backgrounds. Contrary to Mia, Adam has no family; he sings and plays the guitar in the band with his friends. His band releases albums with a string of hits and they are even going on world tour.
In a snowy day, it strikes Mia’s parents to drive Mia and Teddy to pay a visit to a pregnant friend. Unfortunately, the thing doesn’t go smoothly. In order to avoid an oncoming car, theirs takes a sharp bend, slides, and overturns. In the blink of an eye, everything is changed. The fatal car crash claims her parents’ lives. Mia, in a coma, out-of-body, watches Teddy’s and her damaged body full of scars and blood taken by ambulance. Their lives hang in the balance. She starts to recall the moments with Adam.
Mia strived towards her goal in secret. She sent her cello music to the Juilliard School and prepared for all the auditions. Fortunately, Juilliard approved her submission. She happily told the great news to Adam, but only got a chilly response. Arguments arose often from then on since Adam couldn’t accept a long-distance relationship. For him, it is as if he would communicate with a ghost, not with an individual that really exists.
Just at that moment, music sounds. Mia’s grandpa leans over and whispers something in her ear and encourages her to hang on. On the other hand, Adam tells her she is successfully admitted to Juilliard and that he is willing to keep the long-distance relationship as long as she comes to herself. It is a moment for her to decide whether she would like to keep struggling with life or just let it go. With the guitar music composed only for Mia by Adam playing in the ward, Mia has made her choice in spite of having no family members left and only having a severely damaged wreck.
楠梓高中 |
208 |
張〇傑 |
“You grow up with a kid but you never really notice him.” This is the sentence that unfolds the beginning of the book, Loser. In the book, a kid, called Zinkoff, is neglected by most people around him, especially at school. Yet Zinkoff’s power in his personality not only distinguishes him from ordinary kids but utterly twists people’s original opinion about being a loser in someone’s eyes.
In the beginning of the story, Zinkoff’s behavior has announced for him that he is extremely outgoing, vigorous, and naïve. At the moment Zinkoff was old enough to go outdoors, he yelled “Yahoo!” in a heavy rain all the way on the street. Before the permission from his mother, Zinkoff even had thought about escaping! Moreover, Zinkoff thirsts for friendship. As soon as he heard there was a new family moving next door to his house, he couldn’t restrain his impulse to pay them a visit and say “Hello! I’m Zinkoff.” Besides, Zingkoff also has a fantasy to become a mailman, like his father. He thought being a mailman is a supreme honor, for one has to endure dreadful weather or hostile street dogs. Therefore, When Zinkoff was allowed to be one-day mailman, permitted by his father, he became sorely solemn, imitating every actions of a mailman. However, Zinkoff is viewed as a dim-minded student at the school all his teachers. Zinkoff’s handwriting often makes it impossible for teachers to make out, such as: writing 8 instead of 6. Additionally, whenever there was a funny joke Zinkoff heard, there would be a great gust of laughter coming out from the back of the classroom for weeks. Zinkoff couldn’t stop it once he laughed.
After Zinkoff lost a race in fourth grade for his team, there was a bunch of people calling off “loser” to him every day. Classmates around him started to re-examine this boy, and most of them began to make fun of him, sneering at his clumsy movements. Although in middle school, there is no longer anyone making fun of him, but Zinkoff began to be ignored by classmates, as if he had been invisible somehow. Even though Zinkoff is socially rejected by countless people, he still remains a faith in his heart and keeps seeking the joy of life. To one’ relief, Zinkoff doesn’t lose his naïve character. When a little girl, Claudia, got missing in a stormy night, when the ground was veiled by thick snow, Zinkoff searched for Claudia in the utterly dark street from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Afterwards, the legend of Zinkoff not only causes a sensation, but someone starts to really “notice” him. In the end of the book, a basketball team leader picked Zinkoff into his team in during the game. At that moment, Zinkoff was chosen for the first time by others , and he had been born ready for that. Who’s the loser? I don’t know.
高雄高工 |
子一甲 |
鄭〇威 |
Les Miserables
書名/Les Miserables推薦者/高雄高工‧鄭〇威內容簡介:
In the year of 1796, the people in France are poor and hungry. But for the rich, they live in big houses, eat delicious food and wear warm clothes. Jean Valjean is a criminal for a long time, because he steals a loaf of bread and tries to escape from prison many times. When he finally gets out, he meets a bishop that changes him a lot. He doesn’t know why the bishop helps him.
After that, he helps a woman called Fantine, and she is a woman with a daughter, Cosette. Having no husband, she has to raise Cosette by herself. She works a lot but still can’t pay enough money to the couple who she asks to take care of Cosette. Fantine dies at night, and Jean Valjean decides to raise Cosette. After that, he and Cosette live in Paris, where Cosette learns how to laugh and Jean Valjean learns how to be a father and a mother.
Javert, the inspector, wants to catchValjean and puts him back in prison again. That’s why Valjean and Cosette must live quietly. A few years later, they live in a house with a big garden in Rue Plumet.
One day, a man called Marius sees Valjean and Cosette in Luxembourg garden. When he first sees Cosette, her smile looks like sunlight after rain to him. The other day, Marius sees Cosette in the garden, they look at each other and know that this is love. Day after day, Marius and Cosette meet secretly at night in the garden. He wants to marry her, but he has no money. Surprisingly for him, the next day he comes, Cosette and her father are gone. Marius can’t live without Cosette. Therefore, he decides to join the rebellion with his friends to fight against the government.
As the fight begins, Valjean joins the fight too. The rebels catch Javert and give him to Valjean. Instead of killing Javert, he lets him go. After the fight, Marius can finally marry Cosette, because Valjean understands their love is unbreakable, a new life begins for everyone.
After reading this book, I’ve got a lot of feelings from it. Though Jean Valjean doesn’t have a happy life at the beginning, he doesn’t give up easily, and tries his best to raise a little girl who is not his own child. Maybe we will feel frustrated while we’re in bad situations, but as long as we don’t lose hope, we will definitely go through it. There’s an old saying that goes ”Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
小港高中 |
二年十四班 |
吳〇 |
The report card
書名/The report card推薦者/小港高中‧吳〇內容簡介:
When Nora learned to crawl,she already could help her sister to play jigsaw puzzle, which was just a piece of cake for her. From then on, She sensed that she was quite different from other children.She even took up reading while attending kindergarten. As people were astonished by what she did,she chose to stop doing that instantly. She would rather not to show how smart she was. During kindergarten, she began to imitate her classmates’ behaviors.Her gift forced her to make some changes when She encountered challenges.
Education matters a lot in most countries.For one thing ,grades is the first priority.Not to mention most of Asian students load enormous expectations from parents.In this book, Nora got almost D but only one C in her report card on purpose.Both of her parents went mad.They even have a meeting with the principal and teachers at school. Try to figure out how to fix the problem.
As for my parents, paying effort is crucial rather than scores. Process actually means more than result. For another, especially in Taiwan, the elders always put what they haven’t achieved on our shoulder, which makes us stress out even feel depressed.
Meanwhile, Nora advises us that don’t let scores define whether we are losers or winners. In her class, the boy with the highest scores is the winner in people’s eyes. However, he teases Stephen, Nora’s best friend, due to some trivial matters.A real winner has to be humble and sincere.Then, intelligence goes by. She also emphasizes that all of tests at school are “memorized quizzes”. Take my senior schoolwork as an example, After cramming, l usually forgot what l have learned.
What’s the worse, the theory in the textbook totally can’t fit in our society.
On the other hand, there are several humorous parts in the story, First, Nora receives “D” just because the shape of D is pretty.
In eastern countries, students always obey everything, we won’t cross over the limitation. In addition, she is really creative. The two are what we lack of. One is innovation and the other is independent thinking. Second, Nora’s teacher gives her an IQ test, but she didn’t know how to avoid getting high scores. In the end, the smart kid failed. No matter how wise we are, we can't make everything perfect.
We should appreciate miner curbs or severe hardship on the road.
In summary, through the book, I agree the viewpoints that the author mentions inside, including stereotypes in educational system, and the pressure among senior high students in Asia.In the future, I expect I can do myself without frames.
What’s more, I try my best to taste my life because l ensure that accomplishment isn’t the only element in my blueprint. I definitely chase my dream step by step and collect beautiful scenery to piece together my puzzle.
高雄高工 |
子一乙 |
張〇翔 |
All quiet on the western front (評審特別推薦作品)
書名/All quiet on the western front推薦者/高雄高工‧張〇翔內容簡介:
“All Quiet on the Western Front” is narrated by Paul Bäumer. The main character, Paul, is a nineteen-year-old young man who fought in the German army on the French front in World War I. Paul and his schoolmates joined the army voluntarily after listening to the stirring patriotic speeches from their teacher. But after experiencing ten weeks of brutal training by Corporal Himmelstoss and the unimaginable brutality of life on the front, Paul and his friends had realized that the ideals of nationalism and patriotism for which they enlisted were simply empty clichés. They no longer believed that war was glorious or honorable, and they lived in constant physical terror.
This book can be described as an important milestone in anti-war literature. With the experience of a group of German youths devoted to World War I, the dangers of war were exposed in front of the world. The author personally experienced that bloody era, so he could write everything as accurately as possible.
On the cover of the book, the author uses a puzzle to lock the reader's gaze:
"He was killed in October 1918. On that day, the entire front line was so quiet and silent. Even the report of the Legion Command only wrote a line: No war on the Western Front."
World War I ended on November 11, 1918 and Paul was killed only a month or so away from the end of the war. The war was coming to an end and the day was calm again. But why did Paul live in hell? Paul was so young. He was only twenty years old, yet he knew nothing of life but despair, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow. He saw how peoples were set against one another, and in silence, unknowingly, obediently, innocently slayed one another. At this point, he found himself lost all the meaning of life.
It really makes the reader realize how horrible a war is, seen from the eyes of a young soldier who lost the meaning of life. All he knew was war. He couldn’t go back because he didn’t know what he was able to do out there, in the normal” world, which was not filled with war. The book is filled with contemplations of life and its meaning, the futility of war and how the lives of young people, who have not yet experienced the world, were ruined by it.
The author paints the picture and conveys the pain so vividly that I can’t help but imagine how a person would feel in such a situation, sitting in a trench and hoping that an air strike would avoid him, hoping that lady fortune was on his side so he wouldn’t be killed by a stray bullet. Just imagining the helplessness of a person in such situation is dreadful.
“We are not youth any longer. We don’t want to take the world by storm. We are fleeing. We fly from ourselves. From our life. We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces.” What the author tries to convey is that war is terrible and there is no need or reasons to go war each other.
Overall, best anti-war literature novel I've ever read.
高雄高工 |
子一乙 |
徐〇生 |
WAR (評審特別推薦作品)
This novel is about Sebastian Juner’s war experience in Afghanistan from 2007 to 2008. He was deployed in one of the most dangerous areas in the Korangal Valley, Afghanistan. This book focuses mostly on human elements and the violent, absurd, unique conditions these soldiers experienced. The summary of the book is about the impact of modern war on soldiers, particularly in the most violent stretches of the Middle East. The main duties of the soldiers fall into two categories – first, kill insurgents; second, try to befriend some of the native Korangals.
Junger travels with the soldiers, traveling up mountains and flying in helicopters over the war-torn landscape, and witnessing firefights as insurgents approach the barren six-mile stretch that the Battle Company guards. When there is no fighting, Junger accompanies soldiers on the virtually impossible mission of trying to befriend Korangals, who despise them and sometimes shoot at the men when they leave their bunkers. Other times, Junger sits with the men in their bunks, which are small, infested with fleas and tarantulas, and listens to the soldiers talk about their lives.
Although befriending the locals isn’t easy, the soldiers still tried their best, as they might hold big amounts of Taliban intelligence. The locals fire at them sometimes because Taliban pays them US$5 to shoot at American soldiers and run away right afterwards.
This book is one of the first war novels I’ve read. Not like the books I’ve read before which are mostly science fictions. This is a nice start to plunge into the non fiction world. Before reading the book I’ve always had this weird admiration for war, probably because of all the video games I’ve played. But I never thought of the cruel side of war. I think lots of video games are developed to make young people more willing to join the army and participate in wars due to the impetuous nature of teenagers. After reading the book, my urge to go to war has decreased. But the brotherhood and friendship on the frontline is probably something we can never experience. I think the brotherhood is the only worthy thing of war, and probably the only reason why soldiers miss war.
瑞祥高中 |
103 |
許〇漩 |
Animal Farm
書名/Animal Farm推薦者/瑞祥高中‧許〇漩內容簡介:
Animal Farm George Orwell
Without doubt, human beings always want to get more than what they need. But, do you know that animals are as same as humans? The book “Animal Farm” by George Orwell in 1945 will tell you the story. The book initially tells the two pigs "Napoleon" and "Snowball" live happily in the Animal Farm. In order to live a better life, they decide to lead other animals living in the same farm to expel the original farmer owners. Because of greed of power, Napoleon’s behavior changes drastically after taking over the farm. When other animals show dissatisfaction, "Napoleon" initially takes advantage of sophisticated excuses to explain everything, then using cold-blooded killing. Therefore, dead bodies are piled up high. Peace disappears in the farm. Scare and cry echo in the farm.
The story starts from an “elder pig” in the farm. He told other animals who live at the same farm about his concern. Besides, the “elder pig” shared what the animal paradise should be with others. He emphasized to put it into practice before he died. In order to realize his dream, he launched an activity to overthrow the “farm owner” and finally build a society with equality. With his words of encouragement, these animals feeling oppressed by “farm owner” successfully expelled them, burned the whip symbolizing the farmer’s power, and started an equal and beautiful life
However, soon the two pigs "Napoleon" and "Snowball", who served as the leaders going their own ways. The sparking point is their different ideas of constructing windmills. The leader “Snowball” supports to build the windmills. To decide if the construction is worth, they have an election. The discernable "Snowball" advocates the construction of windmills to reduce the labor intensity of animals, but when this advocate voted, the "Napoleon" who mastered the art of power released some of the evil dogs that he raised to expel "Snowball" from the farm.
Later, "Napoleon" began dealing with neighboring farms ruled by people. The rulers of the animal farms completely betrayed the will of the "elders"." These pigs have been infected with so-called malicious and vicious human vices. They showed their true nature. Every night they drank alcohol, wore gorgeous clothes, enjoyed all the extravagant life, even learned to walk with two feet, and discriminated against animals other than pigs. He also harmed and abused the same kind so "Horse" led everyone to sing "The Beast of England". He tried to pass the spirit of the old and young to the next generation and further prepared to expel the dictator again.
As far as I am concerned, the animal farm is a fable novel with the Soviet revolution as the background. The pig “Snowball” in the book is the Trotsky, who established the Red Army in Soviet Union, and the pig “Napoleon” is the Stalin, the notorious dictator. Therefore, this book tells us how people live in the communism, whose goal is to establish a society of common ownership of property and to throw out the social classes, money and states. Besides, the book reveals how unfair the society is and how greedy people look. These animals work hard for the farm owners. But they do not understand why their diligence ends up getting severe whips and why farm owners get a lot of money without working.
Therefore, they plan a revolution to overthrow the farm owners. They want humans to see that even if the farm is not dominated by humans, they can manage better! The spirit of the animals ’efforts is worth following, and it is more honorable that they have used their advantages and wisdom to create more advanced farming methods, and the results are even better than the farming methods devised by humans.
Although the revolution is successful! But the following is an intriguing fight between the two leaders Snowball and Napoleon. In the past, people used to grab power to be an emperor. Only when they are truly born equal does the world enjoy peace. However, what the dictator brings is endless corruption and massacre. The book gives me a second thought and is worth reading it more and more. Therefore, I like it very much.
高雄高工 |
資訊二甲 |
林〇軒 |
Merlin Mission A ghost tale for christmas time
書名/Merlin Mission A ghost tale for christmas time推薦者/高雄高工‧林〇軒內容簡介:
After completing the first three missions to help creative people give their special gifts to the world,Jack and Annie were sent by Merlin to find the last person,Charles Dickens.Given a magic violin,they traveled to Victorian England.When they asked to meet with Mr.Dickens for the first time,his housekeeper soon turned down their request.Finally,they manage to get inside the house by disguising as chimney sweeps.
Then,they found him writing in his study,but immediately hurried out the house,and they were also kicked out by the housekeeper.
Then they followed Dickens along the street,during the time,they were thought to be thieves and were chased by the crowd and finally arrested by the police.Luckily,Dickens saw them and proved their innocence.Then he took them to a restaurant for a treat and gave them money,soon he disappeared again.
Jack and Annie tried to follow him despite the fact that he wanted to be alone.As a result,they came up with a different idea to help him.
Suddenly,Jack started playing the violin and Annie started singing,they successfully helped him find his inspiration by doing so.
That’s how they completed the Merlin mission.
瑞祥高中 |
103 |
洪〇柔 |
A Street Cat Named BOB
書名/A Street Cat Named BOB推薦者/瑞祥高中‧洪〇柔內容簡介:
The novel, A Street Cat Named Bob, vividly describes the problems of drug addiction. It tells how a man gets addicted to drug use. James Bown, a main actor in the novel, went to London to look for his father. But, after returning to England, he lived with his father’s new family, but his condition did not improve, and eventually ran away the family, lived on the streets for ten years and become addicted to drugs during that period. Because he was a drug addict, his father abandoned him. He had no choice but to feed himself on the street by performing music. His life did not change until he met Val, who was his drug doctor dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Val helped him to settle in a new place. On the night, he moved into that apartment and found a cat breaking into his kitchen and eating his food. James, thinking it must be his neighbor’s cat, released the cat. But, on the same day’s night, the cat went back again and stayed outside of his apartment with his leg injured. While he was worried to death, Betty, one of his neighbors loving animal but an allergy to the cat, recommended him to the local charity vet. She recommended him the local charity vet to treat the cat and further named it Bob. While he did his best to feed some medicine for the cat “Bob”, it always showed a sense of rebellion and ran away. Therefore, he asked Betty for help. But, a similar situation happened to Betty, too. He heard that she hated addicts a lot so he didn't tell the truth. After a few days, James, got to work as it used to do. But, Bob kept following him. He had no choice to take it with him, because of Bob's cute appearance helped James earn a lot of money. Out of expectations, James and Betty were about to get closer to each other. Some night, Janes found his friend Bez over-dose heroin and died in hospital, Betty was there too, then he realized that why she hated addicts because her brother was the same as Bez. On New Year’s Eve, James visited his father's new family with Bob, but Bob massed up everything, his stepmother drove both of them out. One day, James was banned from performing for 6 months because he was involved in an argument. Being in the chemist, taking methadone, unfortunately, Betty saw that. Betty and James quarreled. James found a job selling magazine. It went smooth at the beginning, but he accidentally trespassed the other's yard, broke the rules, then he was banned for a month. After going back to work, he was in an argument with a woman because she tried to buy Bob from James, Bob took advantage of the chaos to run away. Bon didn't come back for a couple of days when it came back, James was ready for detoxification. After trying to quit methadone, James made it. James and Bob were more and more popular on the internet. Someone asked if they wanted to write a book about them and James agreed, then he succeeded to fix their relationship with his father, and he could not get any better.
Frankly speaking, I am a little shocked by the beginning description of the story. The main character has no friends, no family and no place to live. He resorts to taking drugs. To him, drugs are a royal way of solving his problems in his daily life. However, at the end of the story, he quits the drug addiction. I admire his courage and will power very much. I have ever heard that it takes a long time to quit drugs and finish drug rehabilitation. It is not easy as ABC. Because of his persistence, the unemployed man, like him, successfully rebuilds his confidence but also his family. As far as I am concerned, his survival could be partly attributed to “Luck.” All drug addicts want most is warm hug, encouragement of words or someone kind-hearted. I firmly believe that no one wants to be another drug addict, living in the dark abyss with no hope and living in a life with vicious circle life. They face too much pressure in their daily, like jobs, family or health. They do not know how to relieve their pressure; therefore, they have no choice but to take drugs. There are always great opportunities for you to seize, like consulting your teachers, friends or asking help for social welfare agencies. Don’t feel shy or embarrassed. Just as the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
瑞祥高中 |
103 |
溫〇榆 |
People are always dissatisfied with some parts of our appearance, such as big nose or small eyes. Some people go to plastic doctors for surgery; others may confine themselves in their houses. But have you ever thought you can make yourself more confident without doing these activities mentioned above? The novel “Wonder” tells us how a boy with facial disability breaks others’ preconception and makes him a Wonder”.
“Auggie” is the boy who does wonder in the novel. He hasn’t gone to school because he was born with a facial difference. He has undertaken the plastic surgeries for twenty -seven times, but he still looks different from others. He likes to wrap himself with special outfit, like astronaut outfitting because no one can identify him immediately. He enjoys hiding himself in the astronaut outfitting. He has a sister Via, who protects him when someone says something offensive to her brother. Auggie’s greatest wish is to be like a normal child; that is, no one will stare at him . Auggie has not befriended with others until he was ten years. When he was 10 years old, Auggie’s mother and father decided to let him go to school where he could learn more knowledge he was interested in and hoped that he could experience the school life.
Before the school started, the principal arranged some children to take Auggie on a little tour of the school, but they always avoided looking face to face while they were introducing the campus to Auggie. At first, Auggie’s school life wasn’t going well. He was usually laughed or be treated because his looks were different from other children. Gradually, students learned that Auggie was a smart and humorous person. So after a while, Auggie made his first friend in school, Jack, which made Auggie happy for the school life. However, Auggie overheard Jack laughing at his face with some classmates, who had bullied him on Halloween. He was very disappointed. At the same time, Via faced the similar situation. Her best friends avoided touching with her on purpose but she did not know the reason even though they were so close to attend the same drama club in the school. Via got little care in the family because Mom and Dad seemed to regard Auggie as an apple in their eyes. Although Via had been neglected by her parents for a long time, she did not make complaint. On the contrary, she encouraged Auggie when he felt disappointed about his appearance.
Because knowing Jack’s laughing at his back, Auggie made friend with Summer and broke off with Jack. Sensing Auggie’s disappointment, Jack apologized to Auggie and explained what happened. Luckily! They became friends again. Meanwhile, Via and her best friend reconciled on the play of the school club. At the end of the school year, Auggie went to the trip with students. He became closer to the classmates who had ever bullied him after they saved him from the older-student’s attack. In the graduation ceremony, Auggie got the 'Henry Ward Beecher Medal’ from the principal and named ‘Wonder'.
After reading Auggie’s story, I learn how precious it is that I have an ordinary appearance. I usually envy people having perfect body shape, beautiful face…As a result of it, I have no confidence when people gaze at me. However, even Auggie was born with a facial difference, he still makes efforts to fit in the new surroundings. Auggie’s teacher has said “Who is it that I aspire to be that is the question that we should be asking ourselves all the time”. We can choose who we are, and the value of ours depends on ourselves. It makes me realize that although we examine ourselves through others’ eyes, we don’t need to live in others’ belief or following other’s standards. Besides, I am deeply touched by the following script, when given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. It teaches me the power of choice. I am the man who can make a choice, not to be controlled by others or to be decided to the fate we face. Therefore, I like the book “Wonder” very much, and I want to be a person like “Auggie” with courage and kindness. Never give up in my life!
高雄高工 |
圖傳一乙 |
戴〇希 |
Magic Treehouse Merlin Missions--#19 Abe Lincoln at Last!
書名/Magic Treehouse Merlin Missions--#19 Abe Lincoln at Last!推薦者/高雄高工‧戴〇希內容簡介:
The book I read is called “Merlin Missions--#19 Abe Lincoln at Last!” by Mary Pope Osborne. The story describes two children, Annie and Jack, and how they found a magic tree house.
The whole process was like a time machine could take them to time travel. MAGIC TREE HOUSE have many series of stories. In this book, two children were taken to the White House of the United States in 1861.They couldn’t wait to meet President Lincoln and get a special feather from him. However, this new president was too busy to meet them. Two children had to ask magic for help. They came to a country and meet a mysterious boy, Sam. Whether Sam could help them or instead they had to help Sam? Furthermore, Jack and Annie must to help the president and the nation in trouble.
The story not only introduced Lincoln’s story but also funny. To my surprised, Lincoln told two children that he was Sam in the end. Even me didn’t discover that Lincoln was Sam. In addition, Sam was my favorite character in this book. He was mature and love learning and writing. The author made a mysterious character that let readers curious about who he is or how he will help protagonists. It gave me a big surprise in the end.
After reading this book, I realized that we have rich food, we can learn and write are happiness so much than the people before. I also knew Lincoln’s life. He was a poor boy, but he had become a great president and contribute himself to the country. This book give me knowledge of history and make me fun.
高雄高工 |
電機一乙 |
林〇妡 |
Who Was Mother Teresa?
書名/Who Was Mother Teresa?推薦者/高雄高工‧林〇妡內容簡介:
Agnes Bojaxhiu was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje. Her father, Nikola, was a successful businessman. And she had a sister, Age, and a brother, Lazar. The family usually helped others. But when Nikola died, his wife, Drana, had to take care of her three children by herself. In these years, Anges kept feeling that God was asking her to serve others. Ten years has passed, when Agnes was eighteen, she still wanted to become a nun to help the poor. In 1928, she went to several places to be trained to be a nun. On May 24, 1931, Agnes took her first vows as a nun. She became Sister Teresa and then went to Calcutta. She began teaching in the St. Mary's. Seventeen years later, she took over the Mother Superior's duties, and was known as Mother Teresa for the rest of her life.
However, many poor people lived outside the convent walls in the slums. At that time, Mahatma Gandhi, the political leader, was encouraging India to gain independence. In August 1946, a bloody battle between Hindus and Muslims happened. Mother Teresa thought she should go into the slums to help the poor. Finally in 1948, the pope agreed to let Mother Teresa live outside the walls under the identity of a nun. She taught the poor children by drawing in the dirt, and gave them bars of soap to keep them from disease. Some people donated tables, chairs, and chalks for poor children to learn. Since 1949, the students from St. Mary's had started to help serve the poor with Mother Teresa. She applied to form a new order of nuns called Missionaries of Charity. They asked a building for dying people called Nirmal Hriday. When leprosy was prevalent, they helped build a village called Shanti Nagar for lepers.
Although somebody argued that Mother Teresa was dedicated to making people become Catholic. But she never left the poor even when her mom died. Mother Teresa said that the most important thing was to make people love one another.
Mother Teresa devoted her life to the poor selflessly. If everyone can have a kind heart like her, with less calculations and more care for others, the world will be better and save many conflicts. Modern people are rarely willing to help others with such perseverance and motivation like her. As a student, I hope I can do some good little things, starting with caring for the people around me. After graduation, I can contribute what I have learned to the society and make the world a better place.
瑞祥高中 |
103 |
陳〇圻 |
Me Before You
書名/Me Before You推薦者/瑞祥高中‧陳〇圻內容簡介:
Me Before You Jojo Moyes
“Me Before You”, published on 2012/1/5, was written by Jojo Moyes. The story is talking about the love story between a man was paralyzed by an accident called William and his care taker, Louisa. Louisa Clark, a vibrant 25-year-old girl, was laid off by a coffee shop where she had worked for six years. After being laid off, she became William Raynor’s career. William was paralyzed by the accident 2 years ago and since then, he had been depressed and negative. Although Louisa didn’t have any experience of being a career, William’s mom believed that her optimism could inspire him.
William became irritated because he could have active life before the accident happened. At first, he rejected Louisa’s enthusiasm. One day, William’s best friend and ex-girlfriend visited him and said that they were engaged. After they left, William destroyed all the pictures at mad. The next day, Louisa tried to glue the pieces of the pictures, but that caused their argument. After the argument, William wanted to make peace with Louisa. Their relationship was getting better after he asked her to watch the movie with him. They chatted a lot like intimate friends. Louisa told him that her life was simple, had not many interests, and didn’t leave her families. William told her that she had to broaden her horizon, “You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible,” William said.
Meanwhile, Louisa noticed there were scratches on his wrist which was left by last attempt to suicide. One day, Louisa accidentally overheard the conversation between William and his parents. It said that he would give his parents six months to change his mind; if not, after six months, they must take him to be Euthanised in Switzerland. After knowing that, she tried to change his mind. She planned various trips and adventures to prove him that living is still valuable in spite of his disability. Although there was an interlude that made the trip imperfect, they still attended in a wonderful concert. After getting along, they had strong affection for each other. It made Louisa’s boyfriend feel jealous, and they broke up.
William got pneumonia again during the trip. During his suffering, he told Louisa he still intended to be Euthanised. William’s decision upset her. After going home, Louisa’s father persuaded her to accompany William, but she found that he was on the way to Switzerland already, so she decided to go there alone and spent the last hour with William.
A few weeks after William was dead, Louisa was in Paris read a letter William left for her at the coffee shop in Paris. The coffee shop was William’s favorite one. “Don’t think of me too often. I don’t want to think of you getting all maudlin. Just live well. Just live.”, he said in the letter.
The story is not only sweet but also sorrowful. This romantic novel also tells us some philosophies of life. For example, in all of the lines, my favorite said “Live boldly. Push yourself. Don’t settle.” Nowadays, many people give up their dream because they are trapped in reality. We can’t always live in comfort area. We have to face the problem so that we can realize our dream or complete something that you thought it was impossible to achieve before. Also, the story tells us to seize the day and cherish everything around you. Everybody gets one life, but few people can make it worth. All in all, life is not a bed or roses. It deserves our great efforts to achieve our goal and furthermore enjoys the sweet fruit of diligence. At the moment, I am convinced that we will be proud of what we have done.
立志高中 |
普高101 |
蔡〇宸 |
書名/A MAN CALLED OVE推薦者/立志高中‧蔡〇宸內容簡介:
A man called ove who am stubborn and obey every rule with his own principle no matter what. Ove have to check everything before he left; but due to this, almost every neighbor thinks he was crazy, what’s worse is he almost lost everything in young age Parents, house, also his friends, everything he lose besides his girlfriend.
But what if everyone change their way of how they think about ove and imitate him as a model? The world might be better than ever. In my opinion what ove in this story is the guy who hope he can lives his own lives in his own way, and be suitable for him to lives in; but no one cares about how hard ove has worked; no one knows what ove has encountered in his half of his life. Every time ove return to his living room staring at his girlfriend , who was taken away by cancer, murmuring “I’m going to meet you right away” ,trying to suicide, but never succeed, because of his “stupid” neighbors always ask ove for help, make ove can’t sit on his hand , against to his particular personality.
Ove hate those “The man’s in the white shirt” since he was young, due to those man who work for those unscrupulous vendors, I guess, which burned down ove house, using random excuses just trying to remove it. Which we can tell, the story also tell us finding a true friend is not easy and how cold the society is in nowadays, Ove was homeless; but things changes while ove was worthless, ove slept in train stateroom, a girl sit in front of him; but because how his father teach him to be honest no matter what, she crashed in to ove honesty and his sincerely, so she changed his life. And that’s how he meet his first girlfriend but also the last one in his life. Nowadays due to the internet, people’s desire are more than past so they lies more to others to achieve their goals.
This book was written by the Sweden author who called Fredrik Backma.
The part of the reason why I enjoy this book it’s not how this book are famous; but it’s how the writer wrote it. This book were written in
Flashback, which make me curious about the story behind every event. The story introduce ove neighbors with only describe their appearance, like “Jimmy” the young overweight guy lives in between "ove" and "Riune" house, the writer makes ove seems don’t care about his neighbors, which make reader easier to dissolve into those characters, knowing how peoples life background influences their behaviors, and along with how the new generation affect those elder peoples look upon the world.
高雄高工 |
資二乙 |
吳〇叡 |
The Call Of The Wild
書名/The Call Of The Wild推薦者/高雄高工‧吳〇叡內容簡介:
A dog named Buck lived happily in the Santa Clara Valley. However when The Klondike Gold Rush started, he was sold to be a sled dog. He learned how to work together with other dogs and survived in the wild. But there was another dog in the team hating buck. Read Call of The Wild and join the adventure with Buck, and find out how he solved all the problems that happened to him.
福誠高中 |
205 |
鄭〇芸 |
The Reader
書名/The Reader推薦者/福誠高中‧鄭〇芸內容簡介:
The Reader was published by German law professor and judge Bernhard Schlink in Germany in 1995. This novel is written in the first person of a man, named Michael.
The story dates back to the year when Michael was fifteen. One day, he felt badly sick, throwing up on a street because of hepatitis. Meanwhile, Hanna passed by and rescued him. Michael found himself falling in love with the woman who is older than him by twenty-one years while he visited her to show his appreciation for saving him. They developed a close relationship. However, good time didn’t last long. Hanna vanished in a puff of smoke. Michael couldn’t figure out what was happening, which caused years of heartbreak and suffering for him.
A decade later, Michael became a postgraduate in jurisprudence. As part of a special seminar, he and other students observed a trial on Nazi war criminals. Michael was stunned to see Hanna one of the defendants. With the process of judgment, he started reflecting on how the postwar generations like themselves should approach the historical event and treat the generation that took part in or witnessed the atrocities.
Eventually, Hanna was sentenced to life imprisonment. The other defendants said she was the chief, giving orders and signing up all the documents. Despite their false accusation, Hanna had no other choice but to take it since she was afraid her illiteracy was about to be exposed. Gradually, Michael realized why she didn’t deny the accusation and why she had left him out of a sudden. Michael made a choice not to testify for her although he realized the truth. Yet, his decision paved the way for his greatest regret.
Now, Michael is a middle-aged man. He always remembers Hanna and those days with her. Regularly he sends digital audio tapes which record various stories to Hanna in jail. On the other hand, Hanna studies hard in order to write letters to Michael but he never responds to her. Hanna is disappointed, extremely.
How time flies. The parole is coming. Michael finally pays a call on her, but his indifferent attitude frustrates her. In the end, Hanna commits suicide in the early morning when she is about to be released on parole.
福誠高中 |
106 |
黃〇恩 |
The Last Holiday Concert
書名/The Last Holiday Concert推薦者/福誠高中‧黃〇恩內容簡介:
This is an interesting story about the school’s chorus of Palmer Intermediate.
They were going to hold a concert at Christmas. The chorus was composed of a
teacher Mr. Meinert and a group of sixth-graders. Due to the budget cuts, Mr.
Meinert would be fired, and the chorus students he supervised were always
unfocused and unordered during practice. The main characters in this book, Hart ,
even shot the rubber band at Mr.Meinert. It’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s
back! Therefore, Mr. Meinert announced that the sixth grade students would
produce the big holiday concert on their own.
The students felt very shocked at the moment, but afterwards they voted for
Hart to be in charge of the concert. Although Hart felt it was a difficult job in the
beginning, he accepted the task. He began to find some students to work together to
plan the event. However, when he collected the opinions of everyone after
discussion and tried to integrate them into a blueprint of the concert and announced
it to the students, some people couldn’t accept some shortening and started
complaining. At that time, Hart lost his mind and forced his classmates to just listen
to his instructions. This made the students no longer obey Hart, and he became no
longer popular. Hart was panicked at that, but he calmed himself down quickly and
conducted an election to decide on a plan with the students. They also gradually
realized that team cooperation is an significant key to dealing with the problem.
The theme of the concert called “PEACE” was successfully completed with the
teamwork of Hart, students and their parents. Besides, It incorporates all the
creative ideas provided by the students and allows them to show their talents. This
way, the performance would be funnier and exciting. Finally, the concert was not
only successful but also fantastic, and it was the most memorable performance that
everybody had ever seen in their life.
According to the plot, Hart is a brave, capable, and the most popular boy at
school. Although he was so confused if he could plan the great chorus concert at the
beginning , but he was willing to accept everyone’s ideas of the concert and praise
them, so he made the plan go smoothly. In spite of his classmates’ argument, inspite
of his yelling at his classmate, he just turned to Mr.Meinert to ask for some advice
and changed the way of leading the chorus. Hart solved plenty of problems, learning
how to lead everyone in the process. He also understood it was really important for
him to improve good communication skills and to build team working spirit. Just a
sixth-grader, he could be in charge of a big scale campaign, with strong his spirit and
mental abilities, to grow through one of his greatest challenges in life.
立志高中 |
普高101 |
蔡〇宸 |
立志高中 |
普101 |
蔡〇晏 |
The One Memory of Flora Banks
書名/The One Memory of Flora Banks推薦者/立志高中‧蔡〇晏內容簡介:
This is a book about a girl named Flora Bank, who has anterograde amnesia, caused by car accident when she was ten years old. It made her only has memories before ten and just can recall things for an hour or minutes. Her parent just let her stay home and take pills every day. One day, she went to a leaving party held by Drack, whose girlfriend is her best friend Paige. Drack kissed her after some conversations on the beach. And it is a memory that Flora can remember not just for a short but a long time.
One day, Flora’s parents had no choice but let Flora stayed home alone for taking care of their sick son in Paris. On the days she was at home alone, she decided to go to Svalbard, where Drack moved.
On her journey, she met a lot of kind people. Not knowing her disease, all of them treated her like a normal person. She also could remember things without her pills. Drack denied that he had kissed her when Flora found him. She started to doubt whether there was something wrong with her memory, but the friend she met in Svalbard said to her that you came here not to find Drack but found yourself. You could do what you want without any constraint.
After Flora came back home, Paige told her that Drack did kissed her on the beach. There was nothing wrong with her memory. She also gave her an envelope from Jacob, her sick brother in Paris. In the letter, Jacob told her that the pills her mom let her take every day is stabilizer, not medicine for her disease because she doesn’t want her to get any injury. At the end, Paige told Flora that she should be independent of her mother’s control and her future is in her own hand.
Everyone should have a personal space, not to mention that Flora is an adult. Flora’s mother changes her medicine to stabilizer in order to control her. I know her mother just wants to protect her, but the way she did may be too extreme.
In my opinion, Flora is a fearless girl, she chose to take on an adventure rather than stayed at home after her parents left for Paris. If I were Flora, I would not be brave enough to try something new with a memory problem. I really admire Flora’s courage and I think Flora is a role model for everyone because of her outstanding bravery. If we have thing want to do, just do it like Flora, be brave and also be yourself.
道明中學 |
506 |
朱〇晟 |
A Walk to Remember
書名/A Walk to Remember 推薦者/道明中學‧朱〇晟內容簡介:
A Walk to Remember, written by Nicholas Sparks , is a fabulous novel,which was filled with the love,romance and touching things that would happen in everyone’s life.A Walk to Remember tells the love story of the main characters named Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan. The story was set in 1985 in North Carolina. Landon and Jamie both studied in the same high school called Beaufort High ,but they were truly in the different world. Jamie's father was a minister.Jamie was a shy girl but she studied quite hard in the class. Landon , on the other hand , he grew up in a wealthy family and was mixed in the "wrong crowd" ,and he didn’t n’t mind living on the life in spite of the troubles that he might be in. There were complex relations between Landon's family and Jamie's,which was that Jamie’s father used to work for Landon's family ,but after Jamie’s father found but something bad Landon’s father’ve done,her father decided not to work for them even he knew that he could get a good salary to support his family .Due to the complicated relations ,neither Jamie nor Landon would they think that they would be the couple one day . As these two teenagers fell unexpectedly in love , they started to change both of their lives .While living with the lovely period with each other,they were just as unexpectedly torn apart as something sad . Jamie knew that she had the potential to get the incurable disease , so she told to Landon not to fall in love with her. Nevertheless,Landon tried so hard to stay with Jamie and kept her being positive to face the disease that Jamie couldn’t stop but feel so happy and grateful that Landon has turned into an exactly different person . However, during the time,they filled it with some unbelievable miracles and made their dreams a reality . As Landon fulfilled Jamie’s wish list, Landon had figured it out that it was Jamie Sullivan,who has changed him little by little. This story is heart-wrenching ,grievous and phenomenal.
I would like to recommend this beautiful story to someone who is looking for an amazing,heart-touching love story ,or someone has ever been in love with other .
立志高中 |
普101 |
林〇駒 |
The two lives of lydia bird
書名/The two lives of lydia bird推薦者/立志高中‧林〇駒內容簡介:
Reading Experience Writing of 《The two lives of Lydia bird》
If you have the time to accompany your love or your family, be nice to them because you never know it could be the last time to be with them.
The book 《The two lives of Lydia bird》is talking about a lady name Lydia faced the most terrible crisis that unexpectedly strike her normal daily life. There was nothing she could do but accepted the terrible fact. Fortunately, she wasn’t alone, her friends and family will be there for her always.
It was Lydia’s birthday,2018,March 14. She was waiting for her lover, her fiancé, Freddie, he was late for Lydia birthday dinner due to his friend also Lydia’s, Jonah, call Freddie to pick him up so Freddie detour to Jonah. Because of that, Freddie had to drive overspeed to be there on time, that was how tragedy happened. There was only one survived in this serious car accident, wasn’t Freddie unfortunately. Lydia fell apart when she heard the bad news. Like everyone else, she tried to run away, ran away form the disappointed world, lying one the coach doing nothing, immersed herself in sorrow. Thankfully with the help form her sister, Elle, her mother and others friends, Lydia was getting better and better.
During the therapy, Lydia was bothered by a question, should she take the medicine?
As we all know, mental therapy contains medical treatment, but she knew if Freddie was here, he wouldn’t agree to take it. If she took the medicine, she could meet Freddie in dream, that mean as long as she kept taking the medicine, she never let go of the truth that Freddie was gone.
She didn’t want to let Freddie down, in the end, she embraced the truth, she decided to let go, living her own life, although her lover wouldn’t be there with her in the future. She believed in love, Freddie will always be there in her heart.
I was touched by the story because the describe of her feeling of losing her fiancé, even though he was gone for sure, he still haunting around just like he is here.
The emotion infect me, it make me feel I not a bystander that watch what happen to her, more like I am part of her, go though the tough time together, worried about her, want to tell her everything is going to be ok.
In the long life time, there are some moment that you craving to have a chance to do over, the reason why I can relate to Lydia is because I have lost my grandmother, she have took care of me since I was born, I want told her I love her so badly, but there is no more chance. I wasn’t able to say goodbye to my grandmother since I was too busy to left the school, It has always been an obstacle for me to move on. In my opinion, Lydia was strong. What she had been though was a lot more unpleasant than most of us had had before.
In addition, the lesson I learned is always be nice to the people around you, it could be too late to say thank you or love you.
高雄高工 |
資訊二乙 |
洪〇祐 |
Magic Tree House - Earthquake in the Early Morning
書名/Magic Tree House - Earthquake in the Early Morning推薦者/高雄高工‧洪〇祐內容簡介:
Magic Tree House is a popular series of story books written by Mary Pope Osborne with interesting adventurous plots and, meanwhile, a wide variety of knowledge including history, science and so on.
One of the series, Earthquake in the Early Morning, describes the adventure of Jack and Annie, a brother and sister, who lived in Frog Creek, to save a kingdom. One day they found a secret tree house on the oak tree in the wood they often passed by. Out of curiosity, they climbed up to the tree house. There they found a note lying on the window. It’s Morgan’s request for saving Camelot, a kingdom, where her library was located. Because the kingdom was struck badly, she needed Jack and Annie to help her collect four hopeful items from the book in the tree house called “San Francisco, California, 1906,” which recorded the history of a great earthquake that happened in San Francisco. In this way, they can use these four items to help King Arthur rebuild the kingdom. Jack and Annie quickly agreed.
Followed by their agreement is a journey into the book, “San Francisco, California, 1906,” where Jack and Annie had to complete a series of commands according to the given orders to gather the four items. However, it wasn’t as easy as they had thought. The great earthquake suddenly happened upon their arrival. The city which used to be one of the loveliest cities in the United States turned hopeless in just a few minutes. At first, there seemed nothing for them to do but to escape from this terrible disaster. But seeing so many people get hurt seriously, Jack and Annie rushed to help the citizens. It was through these processes of helping others that they started to collect the four items unaware. Finally, with these four hopeful items, a list from Civil War, a letter from Revolutionary War, a slate from the pioneer schoolhouse, and a hopeful wooden board, they successfully helped Morgan and King Arthur to rebuild the world.
I think with this story, the writer tries to tell readers a never-etching motto, that is, “whenever you are hopeless, NEVER GIVE UP.” Things in life may not always go as we like. But as long as we keep going on, there might be a bright light in front. The courage I saw in Jack and Annie and kindness I learned from their willingness to help others even in the difficult situation also inspired me. In addition, the English in Magic Tree House is easy for high school students to read and all stories are presented and arranged well, which helps we novice readers to grasp the gist and easily fall into the Magic World it creates! Finally, it combines English learning with hope, inspiration, science and history. Sometimes you even do not know which part of the story is real and which is surreal! So, if given a chance, welcome to the Magic Tree House with Jack and Annie!
瑞祥高中 |
高202 |
陳〇凱 |
Tuesdays with Morrie
書名/Tuesdays with Morrie推薦者/瑞祥高中‧陳〇凱內容簡介:
書名:Tuesdays with Morrie
Do you afraid of dying? Have you ever thought of the death? What is your life philosophy? “Tuesdays with Morrie” is a story of a young man learning the wisdom of life and death from his dying professor, Morrie, the protagonist of this story, who can be your friend, your teacher, your parents, even a philosopher in your life. To Mitch, Morrie is more than a teacher. He’s like a mentor to him. After graduating from college, unexpectedly, Mitch became someone pursuing fame and fortune, forgetting what Morrie had taught him. Struggling between dreams and reality, Mitch was eventually swallowed br the secular torrent, and forgot his ambition. Once again they met, Morrie had become a dying patient suffering from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Despite the pain, he chose not to be pessimistic. Instead, he faced his destiny positively and calmly, trying to use his near-death disease as a living teaching material for his student and the public, hoping that everyone can view and accept the arrival of death without sorrow. Even being confined to a wheelchair, Morrie still made good use of his remaining lifetime. Every Tuesdays, Mitch learned a course on life and death from his beloved teacher. In the fourth Tuesday, they talked about death. “Everyone knows they are going to die, but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do things differently.”, said Morrie. As long as you learn to live and die, you learn to live. You will focus on the important things. When you understand that you are going to die eventually, the way you watch the things in life will be quite different. As for the last course, they “bid farewell”, it’s the funeral of Morrie. The class offered at Tuesdays, no books are required, certainly will help the readers to seize the days and make each day count!
瑞祥高中 |
2-2 |
楊〇熹 |
Who will be chosen to survive? Is it right that people build their entertainment on seeing their kids brutally killing each other just for survival? Is the war the only way to stop the tyranny? Mockingjay, one of Suzanne Collins’s worldwide best-selling, The Hunger Games series, is finally to put the end to the story. The story continues from the preceding episode. Katniss, who comes from the poor District 12, which produces coal, survives the Hunger Games. In Mockingjay, District 13 comes out of the shadows and plans to overthrow the tyrannical Capitol. Full of anger and feelings of distrust, all Katniss has to do is to change herself into the rebels’ mockingjay, gathering all the poor districts to fight with those wealthy people, who build their entertainment on others’ pain. The only thing she desperately tries to do is to save Peeta, who is captured by the Capitol. However, is it the best way to stop the war? Will they hurt Peeta in any way? Katniss keeps struggling with everything. If she makes a mistake, not only she but anyone who joins this war will be hurt. Can she really shoulder the responsibility of the whole district? Day by day, nothing changed, but the only thing she makes sure is that when the rebels have some actions, Peeta will be hurt without any explanation. There’s a part in Katniss’s deep heart, hoping that they die and let go of all the miserable life. Nevertheless, she can’t lose anything now, including her home, friends and love. She has already lost them all, just like her home burned by the Capitol. She can’t let her love she only has live without her protection, especially her sister, Prim, the one that she can do anything just to keep safe. Luckily, they save Peeta, but he has lost his memory because of the bees’ poison, and see Katniss as a monster. Despite this heartbreaking news, Katniss decides to join the last Hunger Games, which is going to be set in the real life. Are they going to survive? Katniss once said, ”Some roads, you have to walk by yourself.”
福誠高中 |
一年五班 |
蔡〇聿 |
Love or Money?
書名/Love or Money?推薦者/福誠高中‧蔡〇聿內容簡介:
Molly is a fifty years old woman who has two daughters and one son. The two daughters named Jackie and Diane and the one son named Roger. One day, on Molly's fiftieth birthday, she invited her family members to come to her house for the party. However, all of them came here for the same thing. They all wanted her money. Even hoped she can pass away more quickly. At the party, they didn't have fun, and disputed with each other. That evening, Molly died. When the prosecutions came, they find that there is generous sleeping pill in her cup of milk putting on the bedside cabinet, and the empty medicine bottle in Diane's bedroom. Therefore, the prosecutions began to interrogate everyone who was in the house last night.
The first one was Albert. His is the husband of her eider sister. He needed money very much because his wife was ill. The second one was Roger, who likes everything which cost a lot of money. Next one was Diane, who wanted to kill Molly because of money. Last one was Jackie, who seemed as if she love Molly most. In the end of story, the murderer is Jackie. When she was young, she fell in love with a man. However, Molly didn't agree their relationship. This gave her the motivation to kill Molly. As a result, there is the aforementioned story.
After reading this book, I realized that money can control someone's thought. It perhaps makes us do something wrong. Even thought, we know it is illegal. Money can be a tool to do a lot of good things. Like helping orphans go to school. However, it is also able to be a motivation to endanger others. In this story, money is the second case. All of her family members just loved her money, and didn't care about her life. This story is regretful but reality.
福誠高中 |
201 |
洪〇嬬 |
Who Moved My Cheese?
書名/Who Moved My Cheese?推薦者/福誠高中‧洪〇嬬內容簡介:
“Who Moved My Cheese? ", written by Spencer Johnson, is a book about an amazing way to deal with change. This book can be divided into three parts, the gathering, the story, and the conclusion. In this story, there were four little characters who ran through a maze looking for cheese. Two were mice, named "Sniff" and "Scurry" and two were littlepeople, named "Hem" and "Haw." One day, they all found their cheese in Cheese Station C. Every day, the mice inspected the station to see if there had been any changes. Unfortunately, one morning, the mice arrived at the station and discovered there was no cheese. And in a second, they were quickly off in search of new cheese. Later, Hem and Haw also arrived at station and were shocked by the condition. In the meantime, Sniff and Scurry already found a new area, Cheese Station N. However, Hem and Haw still went to Cheese Station C everyday. Haw wondered that if his friends had found any cheese yet. So Haw decided to move on. But Hem was afraid to leave the place that he was familiar with. So Haw left the Cheese Station C by himself. Haw wrote some encouraging words on his way for Hem hoping he could move on immediately. Eventually, Haw also arrived at Cheese Station N. Haw enjoyed the Cheese but thought about whether Hem would past his fears.
After reading this book, I feel I am similar to Haw, and I'm also inspired by Sniff and Scurry. In this story, Haw having cheese for granted. He wanted to hold onto cheese which is important to him. Just like the sentence he wrote on the wall, "The More Important Your Cheese Is To You The More You Want To Hold On It." However, the cheese disappeared one day, and he was upset. But in the end, Haw was willing to change. And I think I am the same. I always take my good grades for granted. If I got bad grade, I would blame on the test or the teachers. And I felt upset. Having good grades is important to me, so I want to keep my grades. But it doesn't solve my problem. So, I would try to figure out why I can't get a good score and change my way of study.
However, Sniff and Scurry's attitude inspired me. They can notice the difference around their cheese. When the condition became different, they could change quickly. As a result, their attitude of facing the change keep themselves from starvation. So if I could change my way of study quickly when I found complain anything is of no use, I can prevent myself from depression. So I know, if I don't do anything to solve the problem of score, I won't get what I want. Well goes an olding saying,"Action speaks louder than words." So I should leave my comfort zone, and I would find a new place which can make me happier.
左營高中 |
2年10班 |
許〇宏 |
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
書名/Diary of a Wimpy Kid推薦者/左營高中‧許〇宏內容簡介:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid are Jeff Kinney’s series novels,which are international bestsellers .The series novels are talking about Greg Heffley’s journal and his family.Rodrick is Greg’s brother,who always tease Greg.For example,a couple of days into summer vacation,Rodrick wakes him up in middle of night, before it Rodrick secretly sat his alarm clock ahead to make it looked like morning ,and closed his curtains ,so Greg thought he was late to school,he went downstairs to make breakfast and got dress in hurry ,but in fact it was three o’clock.When Greg’s father saw him this behavior ,he yelled at Greg.After Greg told his father it was Rodrick had played a trick on him,but Rodrick covered up it pretty good.From now on,Greg‘s father thinks him has got a screw loose.
Greg is a teenager,who thinks he is the most famous and the coolest in the school,but in fact,it’s not.He usually feels his best friend Rowley is naive and uncool ,so he try to change him .When they are playing,Greg always spoofs Rowley ,who thinks it can let himself became famous and handsome.But every time he does this ,his classmate instead care about Rowley ,nobody care Greg.One day they playing together,Rowley is riding bike,but Greg throw the ball to hit him.It let Rowley’s hand fracture.After this thing , Greg walked the kindergartner home on himself,it rained that morning and there had lots of worms on the pavement,so Greg have some fun with the kids ,at this time some neighbourhood saw what were Greg doing ,and yelled him. Unfortunately,Greg had borrowed Rowley’s hat,so everyone think it is Rowley doing this .Due to this incident,Rowley scolded by teacher,and must apologize to those neighbourhood without knowing why.Because of it and each other excessive behavior Rowley decided cut the relation off from Greg,Who always feels Rowley is a joke to him,so he continued to spoof Rowley,but Rowley ignores him .After Greg decided to make a new friend to let Rowley be jealous . Unfortunately Greg’s new friend is the weirdest in his school.Not after long Greg regretted ,so he apologized to Rowley,but they talked loudly,which attracted a crowd,the crowd aren’t going to let them go until they saw them throw some punches ,but some bad guys came,who forced they eat the cheese,which was on the floor a long time .Being under pressure Rowley had to eat this.When classmate knew him eat this everyone getaway him,in this time Greg come forward to talk everyone the chess is him ate.Because the incident ,Rowley and Greg continues to be friend and play together .
I regard the book as worth to reading,because it teaches us how to apologize to friend and do something in our life.In the end ,the book give me lots of help in my lifetime .
瑞祥高中 |
1年5班 |
羅〇瑋 |
The Adventures of Pinocchio
書名/The Adventures of Pinocchio推薦者/瑞祥高中‧羅〇瑋內容簡介:
Have you ever thought that puppets have life and can move? Pinocchio was written by an Italian writer, Carlo Collodi. Although being a children's literature classic book, this book was also satirizing Italian politics then. In fact, the author tried to tell the readers that work hard to succeed, otherwise you will be controlled by others easily.
Geppetto was a poor woodcarver. One day, he found a wood, and he made a puppet out of the wood. At night, a blue fairy came and performed some magic on the puppet. Surprisingly, the puppet,Pinocchio, had life . He was a playful puppet. His father, Geppetto, pooled some money to buy Pinocchio some books and sent him to school.However, Pinocchio was attracted by the circus, and he exchanged the books for money so as to buy a ticket to watch the circus. In the circus, he was so naughty that he affected the workers in it, and the manager of the circus got angry and wanted to punish him. Nevertheless, after knowing Pinocchio’s family was in poor condition, he sympathized with him and he gave Pinocchio five coins. Unfortunately, five coins were deceived by a fox and a cat, so Pinocchio prosecuted the fox and the cat in court, but he was sent to the prison by a silly judge. After getting out of jail, Pinocchio went to Toyland, which has a lot of fascinating toys. He got sick there because of having not read and learned for a long time. He was turned into a donkey and sold to a circus by the mean boss in Toyland. After being injured in the circus, he was sold again to an old couple. The couple put him in the water, and Pinocchio was changed back into a puppet and the couple let him go. After his adventure, he went back home trying to find his father, Geppetto.
However, Geppetto was no where in sight since he was eaten by a big whale on his way looking for Pinocchio. Pinocchio went to save Geppetto from the whale’s tummy. After that, they lived in an old house in a town. Unfortunately, Geppetto was ill and got weaker and weaker. Thus, Pinocchio had to go to a pasture to work in order to earn some milk and money to feed Geppetto. In the end, the blue fairy turned him into a human boy because of his bravery, honesty, and selflessness.
The moral of the book is that learning is important and that kids should be brave, honest and selfless.
福誠高中 |
H206 |
陳〇妤 |
A Long Walk to Water
書名/A Long Walk to Water推薦者/福誠高中‧陳〇妤內容簡介:
"One step at a time...one day at a time. Just today—just this day to get through…"
—A Long Walk to Water
Imagine that there is no water someday, and you will have to walk eight hours to fetch water for your family;or there is a awful war occur in your city, and your family is gone,you have to find them.
These situations are so impossible that can't be imagined, right?
Unfortunately, the following happened in one country:Sudan.
Two young lives, two touching stories.
In 1985, an eleven-year-old boy named Salva escaped from his village ,Loun-Ariik, to shelter from fierce war.
He was a "lost boy" refugee, his family was torn apart by the terrifying war, his village was ravaged by the rebels.To survive and look for his family,only what he could do was to cover Africa on his foot.
Twenty three years after, a little girl whose name is Nya was going to the pond to fetch water for her family,she and her siblings had never gone to school because it was too far to get there.At the same time, she had to help with her mother to take care of her ill young sister,Akeer.
Well, the above mentioned stories looks have nothing to do with each other,but when you deeply follow the beat of this novel, you'll find the relevance between them!
This novel is about war,death,and self-growing.
Maybe some plots are little scary,but I pretty recommend this book, it's worth reading!
立志高中 |
普101 |
吳〇頤 |
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
書名/The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe推薦者/立志高中‧吳〇頤內容簡介:
The Chronicles of Narnia is a book basically recounts a girl, who accidentally fell into another world from a wardrobe. And that led she and her siblings to step on a journey in order to end up a cruel witch’s rule and rescue this world, which is cursed by the white witch.
To begin with, Lucy unintentionally guided her siblings to Narnia. As they arrived in they found that the faun, which had helped Lucy, was caught. Next, they bumped into the faun’s friend, a beaver who informed them about the prophecy. Moreover, he decided to assist them to call on Aslan and achieve the prediction. In consequences, they went on the journey but at the same time, Edmund betrayed them and went to rely on help from the white witch just for his desire. However, he was arrested for his unprofitable. Furthermore, the white witch commanded her slaves to catch the others.
On the way of escaping they met Santa Claus and received some powerful weapons from him. Later, the three finally arrived at the stone table, where Aslan organized the troop, then he promised to save Edmund. Aslan visited the white witch and sacrificed himself to save Edmund.
On the other hand, the holy war was going on. All in a sudden, the power of the stone table revived Aslan. He roused the people that was transformed into stone, and he rushed to the battlefield, thanked to his arrival they soon got the victory. Narnia eventually met the warm sun and the earth full of vitality again. In the end of the story, they found the familiar lamp post by chance, and recalled their memories of their world. At last, they stepped into the wardrobe again, and returned to their world. Everything there had remained the same by the time they left, just like Narnia had never existed.
In summary, I think this story is not only about some inspiring adventure, but also contained plenty of thoughts on life. For instance, at the time Lucy told her brothers and sister about her encounter, nobody believed her. Instead, they thought that she was too sensitive, until they really experienced it.
In our real life, we will always confront people that only believe in what they have seen or persist their view’s. Sometimes, they even railed those who have different opinion against them. In the story, though Lucy got slightly frustrated at the beginning, she trusted herself and proved that she was right. The attitude inspired me a lot, sometimes, we should learn to persist our faith, never compromise with public opinion easily.
This book also inspired me a lot in other aspects, the main thing that it enlightens me, echoes to one of my favorite inspirational quote “when the going gets tough the tough get going” we should never be afraid of suffering difficulties, instead, we should conquer them!
福誠高中 |
105 |
林〇儀 |
Very Easy Readrs Series: Escape from Alcatraz & Alice in Wonderland
書名/Very Easy Readrs Series: Escape from Alcatraz & Alice in Wonderland推薦者/福誠高中‧林〇儀內容簡介:
There are two stories in this book. One is _Escape from Alcatraz_, and the other is _Alice in Wonderland_. _Escape from Alcatraz_ talks about two prisoners who want to get away from the Alcatraz. As the only way out is escaping from the sky, it is impossible for them to succeed because they can not fly. However, miracles happened. They made it out of the prison, and have a comfortable life in South America. _Alice in Wonderland_ talks about a beautiful little girl named Alice who had a magical experience. In the Wonderland, she met with many strange things and characters, for example, a rabbit, a talking cat, and a crazy hatter. She saw a hedgehog, and a red crane playing cards. When she could not find that how to go home, she met Queen of Hearts and got herself in trouble by making the Queen of Hearts angry. When Queen of Hearts wanted to kill Alice, Alice ran very quickly and she was very scared. Suddenly all things came to an end when Alice woke up, and in fact, she found that it is only a dream. I recommend this book pretty much because it includes Chinese and English translation,
self-test questions, and there is a CD included in this book that can help improve hearing, reading, speaking, and writing. If you don't read it, you will regret.
前鎮高中 |
213 |
余〇臻 |
Bleak House
書名/Bleak House 推薦者/前鎮高中‧余〇臻內容簡介:
The plot of Bleak House is one that is intertwined between a series of events ranging from love, betrayal, deception, suicide, murder, and so on. The events are usually juxtaposed with a major recurring theme throughout the novel, the question of philanthropy and security. From time to time, characters find themselves engaging with complex topics such as welfare distribution and the role of the institutions. The plot varies so often begs the question in understanding methods of resolving people's predicament, caused by unfortunate events, and the role played by the better well-off in society.
The technique in telling a story with many events, while exploring social justice is done through the narrative structure Charles Dickens gave to his novel. The narration of the novel is done both by an omniscient narrator providing a third-person perspective, speaking in present-tense. While the other narrator is Esther Summerson, she is one of the main characters and narrates in first-person. Unlike the omniscient narrator, Esther does not speak in the present tense, instead, she speaks in the past tense, and is rather wary and conscious about her surroundings.
The background of the novel revolves around disputes of inheritance in the Jarndyce family, which erupted from a lawsuit known as Jarndyce v. Jarndyce generations ago. In London, there lives a wealthy aristocrat known as Sir Leicester Dedlock, and his wife, Lady Dedlock. Dedlock’s involvement in the story includes giving birth to an illegitimate daughter with Captain Hawdon --later introduced as one of the main characters, Esther Summerson-- decades ago. She thought her daughter had died, but actually, Esther survived and was raised by her aunt, Miss Barbary. After her aunt died, Esther's custodianship was given to the philanthropist, John Jarndyce, so as she packs her items and leaves for Jarndyce's home, the Bleak House, she encounters two other characters also on their way to Jarndyce known as Richard Carstone and Ada Clare.
Much of the drama in the book happens when Esther discovers her true identity, being the illegitimate daughter of Lady Dedlock and Captain Hawdon. Before this truth was discovered, as aforementioned, the three young characters, Ada, Richard, and Esther came under the wings of Jarndyce. Jarndyce is a wealthy man that is not keen on taking part in the court dispute, seeing it as a family curse that has brought nothing but misery. Additionally, he is also seen as one of the most benevolent characters, initially, he wanted to marry Esther, but decided not to pursue after knowing that Esther is in love with Allan Woodcourt. Moreover, other parts of the story develop concurrently as the novel goes on. For instance, Lady Dedlock investigating the identity of Esther while her lawyer Mr. Tukinghorn takes advantage of the situation threatening her with it, but Tukinghorn was later also killed in the plot, which makes the Bleak House a multifaceted storyline.
瑞祥高中 |
103 |
吳〇澂 |
Did it occur to you that so-called holy “Count Dracula” would launch an attack to invade the city, London? The book, “Dracula” written by BRAM STOKER, must satisfy your imagination and curiosity.
The book described an attack launched by Count Dracula. In 1875, a lawyer, named Jonathan Harker, lived and worked in London. One day, he got a letter which asked him to help deal with the purchase case of real estate. The only condition is that Jonathan Harker must deal with it by himself. Jonathan Harker was so delighted to accept the case. But, little did he know he would gradually fall for the trap set by the client. He went alone and arrived in Tistritz as the letter had required. After he took a rest in that hotel, a small carriage came to pick him up to Castle Dracula. After arriving the castle, he was entertained with delicious food and drinks by Count Dracula. He was asked to stay alone in the castle to help Count Dracula deal with the purchase case. But, to his astonishment, he could not contact Count Dracula in the daytime. While he was figuring out what happened, he found himself locked in one room in the mysterious castle.
One evening dinner, the Count asked Harker if he could be here for another month. Partly out of curiosity and partly out of greed for money, Harker accepted the Count Dracula’s invitation. That night, while Harker slept in his room, he saw three women outside the window, talking about him in whispers. They were getting closer to Harker and one of them used teeth to touch Harker’s neck. While Harker was frightened to death, Count Dracula saved him in time. Harker kept saying “Thank You” to Count Dracula. But, in his mind, Harker wondered why Count Dracula could save him “in time” and “on time.” Therefore, he decided to observe what Count Dracula did in private. By his observation, Dracula’s vicious behavior was fully exposed. Count Dracula wanted to take advantage of him to get some detailed secret about London in order to attack London. After Harker found Count Dracula’s secret, he wanted to escape from the castle and Count Dracula.
One evening the Count told to Harker that he would be here for another month. That night Harker slept in his room but he felt that he was not alone. He saw three women outside the window. They talked about Harker in whispers. They were getting closer to Harker and one of them used teeth to touch Harker’s neck. Suddenly Count appeared and saved him. By this time Dracula’s evil was fully exposed. During this time, he found many strange habits of Count Dracula. The reason why Dracula confined Harker was to covet more confidential information about London. Soon after, Harker tried many ways to escape constantly and finally did.
While Jonathan was away, Mina was very unhappy. He didn’t contact with her often. Her friend, Lucy, is going to marry with Arthur. One day night, Lucy and she slept in one room, but sometimes Lucy walked in her sleep. She began to have a nightmare. Lucy became weak day after day. Arthur asked a doctor, Jack Seward. But he did not know what wrong with Lucy. Jack Seward decided to ask his teacher, Van Helsing for help. Van Helsing found the crux of the problem immediately. He used Arthur’s blood to treat Lucy and to put a circle of garlic flowers round Lucy’s neck. But soon after, Lucy and her mother were both dead.
Shortly, there was news about an unidentified woman hunted child at night. After Van Helsing read Harker’s diary, he understood so many things. By knowing that vampires can came out only at night; they thought that Count Dracula used his coffins for his daytime hiding-places. One night they joined hands to deal with Count Dracula. Mina was so afraid that did not come with them. Jack had some keys with him, and then entered Count’s house. Van Helsing took some holy bread in each coffin. After a long time, they did not work completely but Dracula was coming. Count Dracula had invited many times and absorbed Mina’s blood in order to let her become vampire. The only method to save Mina was to kill Count Dracula. They learned that Count was shipping by boat so as to escape. They took train to follow the Count’s boat and finally caught up. When they saw the coffin in a cart, Harker jumped down and held his knife high over his heart and brought it down as hard as he could. Finally, Count Dracula was dead. Mina’s lovely face was bright. They could begin to live a happy life again.
The book enlightens my imagination. Little did I imagine a royal “Count” would launch an attack to invade the city, London, drink blood in secret and even becomes a vampire. After the publication of the book, the theme “Vampire” has taken the world by storm. A lot of films released the vampire-related movies to attract audiences’ attention. Till now, it has still enjoyed the great popularity in the world. Besides, I was impressed by the vivid description of furniture, decoration and lifestyles royal nobles have enjoyed. It is true that I am a senior high student in Taiwan. I have not been Europe, not to mention to witness terrorists. But, by the book, Count Dracula, I can experience he ancient royal life style and take part in the unique terrorist attack by Count.
瑞祥高中 |
207 |
謝〇萱 |
What life should mean to you
書名/What life should mean to you推薦者/瑞祥高中‧謝〇萱內容簡介:
What Life Should Mean To You
“What life should mean to you” is a book about psychology. It makes us realize the meaning of occupation and interpersonal relationship.Many celebrities recommend us to try this book, such as Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. Alfred Adler teaches us how to be confidence, don’t care others’ sight and most importantly everything depends on ourselves. After reading it, it might change your heart and make you become much braver.
Alfred Adler emphasized “Everyone is a painter depicting their own life. Not only can you create your life, but also decide your future.” These words extremely encourage many people. In addition, he told us that when we get into trouble, we can choose what mood to face. Namely, if you consider it’s a catastrophe, you will be always in bad moods. On the other hand, if you think that you learn a lot from it, you are a sane person.For instance,my grandma is a conventional person. In her mind, I was just a person who lived with her. So, she never cared about my thoughts. I used to blame her why she treated me as a stranger. But now, I can realize her evenly. When she was a child, her parents also treated her like that. The way she treated me didn’t mean she didn’t care about me. On the contrary, she loved me. However , she expressed her love in a different way, not as I had expected. In reality , but for her treatment, I wouldn’t have had many chances to learn plenty of things. Because of her, I tried many things that others couldn’t experience, such as cooking for myself. To put it simply, Alfred Adler sincerely hoped that we should always look on the bright side. By doing that, we can find the thing worthy of learning and appreciating, even though we are in pain. Apparently, it’s essential to be optimistic about everything.
In addition, Alfred Adler told readers that “It’s not ‘don’t want to do’" but I just decide ‘don’t do it’ myself.” In fact , it’s not unchangeable but I decide not change myself. For instance, when your boss raged at you, you might get angry or decide to resign. You will blame your boss, but your resignation is your decision. All the results are caused by yourself. You should be responsible for your decision. A study shows that humans can change our thoughts, action and emotion by transforming cognition or meaning. Thus, all the behaviors are your choices. Don’t blame others.
In a word,the key point in this book is “There is nothing to care about even if others say bad things to you or hate you. Because how others see you is others subject.” People don’t need to care others. Just live out ourselves. Everyone is independent. Do need to respond others’ expectation. This book is worth reading again and again.It makes us overcome many problems.
瑞祥高中 |
103 |
謝〇佑 |
The First Man
書名/The First Man推薦者/瑞祥高中‧謝〇佑內容簡介:
< > Book Review.
“The First Man,” written by Albert Camus in 1994, was published by Albert’s daughter after he died thirty years ago. It was an autograph. This book told about Jacques Cormery, who was this book’s leading role. He was born to a poor country, Algeria. And he grew up with his mom and illiterate grandmother. In his childhood, he also had two fathers. One was school’s teacher and the other was his uncle. Both of them were concerned about him very much. One day, he wanted to trace back to the "real "father, a biological father. Initially, he asked his mother for some hints. After collecting pieces of evidence about his father, he decided to start his tracing travel. After Jacques Cormery found his dad’s gravestone, he discovered his dad had died in battle of the Marne. Because his father’s death. He was aware that his homeland’s people were attacked by French. And then he returned to Algeria. Seeing his people tortured by the French people, he felt depressed about it and decided to save it by his own way. After he returned to the homeland, he was haunted by the memories about his childhood, like bombing, famine and helplessness. At that time, the bomb was blew away in any place. During the war, they lived a poor life. Difficult as the life was, the Cormery not only took on the challenge but also did his best to comfort and console his family members. The war listed from his childhood till his adolescence. At his eighteen, he was aware the truth that the country had sustained economic and agricultural loss caused by wars illness during 1949s. He decided to save the country from these crisis in his own way.
There were no concrete or similar examples between the author and the leading role mentioned in the book. The readers did not understand the story until they understood the author and successfully figured out what would happen in the book. That is why this book is regarded as an autobiographical novel or a semi-autobiographical. In conclusion, we can see The First Man is not based on the author’s attachment to Algeria or his family but on his own explanation to his ways to defend his position and principle of humans thinking. At the end of the book, the author had written his all literary works from the beginning to the end. These works reflected the progress of mental development.
The author of the book is a winner of Nobel Prize in literature. The book is worth reading many times because it provides us a lot of thought-provoking issues, like we need to cherish what we had, and should count your blessings all time. Most importantly, war will cost us dearly. There are a lot of ways to settle or solve the conflict or controversy; however, war is the last way we should use. What the war brings about is famine, blood, scramble, and death. I am convinced that no one likes to live in the place with sullen, bloody and scary environment. Last but not least, it dawns on me that world peace takes everyone’s efforts. We should not take it for granted. Nevertheless, it was damaged by human beings as well. In the story, the protagonist couldn’t stop the war in Algeria, but now it is easy to us. Because we have international organizations like UN nowadays, it can play a peaceful role to solve the problems or settle down the issues. Needless to say, the war causes a lot of damage to us, including our life and property, even our beloved one. I am convinced that no one wants to taste the bitter consequence caused by war. Just as an old saying goes, “No need, no killing". All in all, no one can get benefit from the wars. Wars definitely bring us famine, scare and death. We must pay high price for the consequence of wars.
高雄高工 |
圖傳一甲 |
林〇霈 |
The Little Prince
書名/The Little Prince推薦者/高雄高工‧林〇霈內容簡介:
On a small planet lived a prince, as well as a rose and two small volcanoes. Being angry with the rose, the prince decided to leave the planet his hometown. He went to a lot of other planets, meeting a king who wanted to control all, a vain person, a drunkard who constantly regretted drinking, a businessman who just sticked to numbers, lamplighters who stubbornly follow orders, geographers, etc.
Finally, the prince came to the earth. He first went to the desert, where he met a snake and a flower with only three petals. After a long journey, he finally came to a road and met other roses and the fox. At last, he met the author of the plane crash, with whom the prince made a friend with after days of talking.
"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." said the fox. "What makes the desert beautiful is that it hides a well somewhere." Perhaps some people may think that this book is too childish for a senior high student to read. However, in my opinion, this book contains a lot of truth and answers to life, and therefore, I highly recommend it!
高雄高工 |
汽二甲 |
〇佑 |
the boy in the striped pyijamas (評審特別推薦作品)
書名/the boy in the striped pyijamas推薦者/高雄高工‧〇佑內容簡介:
“The boy in striped pajamas" is a story in the background of Nazi slaughtering. Through the eyes of a child blinded by adults, what looks like a beautiful world is actually a tragic world.
The protagonist of the story is an innocent, adventurous, eight-year-old boy whose name is Bruno. During the Second World War, his father, a Nazi general, moved the whole family to Berlin because of his job transfer. However, Bruno was reluctant but still had to obey the father ’s decision. It turned out that Bruno’s father was transferred to manage a concentration camp, so his family was moved to a neighborhood near a camp. Unable to go to school and lose playmates, Bruno, being confined to a big house all day long, felt loneliness and even despair. One day, Bruno saw from his window the concentration camp, which looked like a rural village for him. Many adults wore labor clothes that looked like pajamas. Forced to work very hard, these Jew people in the camp led miserable lives and were deprived of the freedom from the evil Nazi government. But in the eyes of a naïve boy like Bruno, he thought they were all playing happily there. Raised in a wealthy Nazi family, Bruno was restricted to contact the outer world. Therefore, the wonderful happy Neverland Bruno saw contradicted the Inferno where Jews were suffering. The story was later unfolded in a series of comparison and contrast. For instance, Bruno and Shmuel, a Jew boy, who Bruno wanted to befriend and share everything with seemed to live in the two extreme poles, one in heaven while the other in hell. In addition, Bruno’s sister’s struggle to strike a balance between her legitimizing this brutal world and maintaining her pure conscience and innocence was also outlined to add more strength to the story, which drives us, the readers to reflect upon.
In history or at present, people sometimes have no choice but to do something that violates our own heart. Because the world is covered by money, politics, power and any “adult” things, very often we grow up to be someone we don’t know. This book serves as a good wakeup call for us to see the world again through our most naïve and purest thought. What do we live in this world for? Some may live for love, for fortune, or for power. But don’t we understand that sometimes perhaps we can live simply for us, or for our human nature? The book really reminds us to think about this question, the question worth putting inside our mind forever and ever. As Antoine de Saint-Exupery has put it in his Little Prince, “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” And this time, let’s have Bruno play the role of our Little Prince.
高雄中學 |
212 |
徐〇勛 |
The House of the Scorpion
書名/The House of the Scorpion推薦者/高雄中學‧徐〇勛內容簡介:
The House of the Scorpion is about the little man Matt’s life and discusses topics of clones and values about ‘people’. The story takes place at a poppy field,which is located on a narrow region between the United States and Mexico. A little boy named Matt lives with a woman Celia, but not his mother. At the beginning, the story adds in some suspectable parts. The story developed by means of Matt’s growth,and takes the reader to know about the world from Matt. Matt finally knows that he is a clone of El Patron,who is a big drug lord, and takes advantage of him to work for himself. Because he remains the intelligence for Matt, and Matt ultimately wakes up to reality and decides to escape from this house of scorpion.
From the sixteenth centuries onward, the Industrial Revolution had started. Science has made a breakthrough, and the advance of biotechnology is one of it. Because of the medical progress, the clone technology has been more mature and steadier. People create life from laboratory is no longer a dream. From cloning animals to organ, people gradually seek to extend their lives. Although it seems ideal, we can’t never neglect the moral issues behind it. The novel of The House of the Scoipion depicts the future world about clones and force us to think on the meanings and values of people. At the end of the story, Matt’s success to escape from his creator and live his own life makes us once again to think the values of life.
The cloning of Matt reminds me of the famous science fiction Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelly. Like Matt, the Creature is created by the ambitious scientist Victor Frankenstein. Both Matt and the Creature are made for creaters’ own selfishness in order to make best use of the clone. Both creators neglect their clones’ feeling and identity. The clones are treated not as an independent being. But, unlike the Creature who was given no name and identy, Matt in The Scorpion is recognized by the people at the end, and becomes a leader of the farm. With the development of the technology, cloning a human is might not be a difficult issue, but that deep part of humans’ heart could never be cloned.
高雄高工 |
汽車二甲 |
廖〇豐 |
When A Friend Dies
書名/When A Friend Dies推薦者/高雄高工‧廖〇豐內容簡介:
As the writer of “When A Friend Dies” puts it, “this book was inspired by my love and compassion for you and your friends. While I cannot protect you from losses, I hope I can help you through them.” The book, as its name suggests, tells about the time when one, especially a teenager, has to face one of the most serious issues in life-- death and about the way in which he or she has to deal with it. In my view, we are living in a world that changes fast, sometimes too fast to catch things we want, to retain things we like. And this is life, this is being a human. Life is always unpredictable and death is unavoidable. Therefore, all we can do is to grab every chance you have.
This book “When A Friend Dies” mentioned 16 situations to explain that how you may feel and how to handle these feelings after the death of your friend from “How can I stand the pain?” to “How can I tell if a counselor or therapist can help me?” Among these questions, I find several of them interesting including “How can I stand the pain?”, “Why can not I feel anything?”, “What if I hardly knew the person?”, and “How can I deal with my grief?”
As far as I am concerned, these questions are the most important issues we have to face “When A Friend Dies.” The writer says that to tackle the sadness, the solution is to try to be gentle with ourselves, but honestly speaking, this is sometimes easier said than done. I don’t know if I can possibly handle the enormous grief over the death of a friend. “Why can not I feel anything?” That is easy. You are too sad to feel any negative emotions like despair, disappointment, depression, pain, and so on. This is because your brain wants to protect you from hurting your health. Being too down is not healthy for humans. This is the part that I can’t agree with the writer more. “What if I hardly knew the person?” That is even not a question for “When A Friend Dies.” Think more. If he or she is an important friend for you, will you consider that “we know each other well?” That is ridiculous! It does NOT matter if you know your friend or not. So, do not think too much, and focus on what you need to do. “How can I deal with my grief?” That is also easy. Let it go. Just let it go. Time flies. If you ask me, “What if I can’t let it go?” That is your own problem to solve. I advise you to see a doctor. It may help you to solve the problem easier. Otherwise, please do not complain your life is hard without doing anything. It is meaningless, isn’t it?
瑞祥高中 |
105 |
莊〇儒 |
Murder On the Orient Express
書名/Murder On the Orient Express推薦者/瑞祥高中‧莊〇儒內容簡介:
Do you like inference? Do you want to catch the criminals? If your answer is YES! This book, Murder On the Orient Express, may be you best choice. Murder On the Orient Express is written by Agatha Christie, who was one of the well-known reasoning novel writer in Britain.
At the beginning of the story. The backgrounds of the passengers and attendants were introduced. Below introduce two of characters in the book.
One is Hercule Poirot, a Belgian detective. To solve a case, he got on a train departed to London. When the train was near the Winkovcl at night, it was stocked by a big snow. Next morning a murder happened.
The other is Samuel Recht, a regal also a criminal whose real name is Kasadi, living in first class. He was found killed in his room with three wounds that can be fatal.
Samuel Recht, a passenger, was killed in his room, but who killed him? The train was trapped by heavy snow, so no one could get on or off, so the killer must be on the train. Next, it was time for the Hercule Poirot, a famous detective, to show his ability to solve the murder. To solve this case, he must first observe the flaws in the scene, and then observe the reactions of other passengers. After that, he talked to all the suspects on the train in order to find out who the killer of this murder was. However, something strange happened. After having the conversation with all the suspects on the train, he found that they all had the strong alibis to this case. But if those on the train didn’t kill the victim, who killed him?
This case was full of suspense, and this book must be one of the best choices for detective novel lovers to read. If you want to know who the murderer was, you have to read the book to find out. Let’s catch the murderer.
福誠高中 |
103 |
劉〇妃 |
The Little Prince
書名/The Little Prince推薦者/福誠高中‧劉〇妃內容簡介:
In this story, a littie blond boy from the B612 planet decided to leave his native land and traveled around for relaxation to broaden his horizons because he was angry with his favorite rose.
On the journey,he visited the autocratic king who thought the ruled everything, the vainglory man, abstinence with alcohol, the businessman who was busy calculating wealth, the stubborn and inflexible lamplighter, and the geographer who only focused on books but repeating meaningless and impractical things. Among them, the lamplighter is the only one who wants to be a friend with him, because he do the all is not trying to satisfy his desires, but is good at doing his duty and lighting all the time.
At last the little prince came to the earth, the fox and he acquainted with the pilot, fox and yellow snakes. During the trip to the earth, the fox and the little prince become friends, and teach him how to build relationships with others, so he can gradually understand what love is –It’s all about the time and effort one devotes to a single person and one object.
During his stay on earth, he accidentally went to a garden full of five thousands rose and learned that his flower was not the only rose in the world. His flower deceived him by telling him that she is unique. The little prince was very sad after he learned the truth, at first he thought he was very rich, because he has a plant, two active volcanoes, a dead volcano, and a unique flower. But later, the fox told the little prince “To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, to me, you will be unique in the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.” This remark let he gradually realized that the rose he took time to take care of is the most precious one.
I think this book is worth reading, in this book, we can feel the pure love and friendship of the little prince, and realize that one thing can’t only see the surface, the real precious things are invisible to the naked eye.
*** “To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, to me, you will be unique in the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.”_____from the little prince
瑞祥高中 |
105 |
侯〇薰 |
“Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle “
Born with gene defect, August had a face which looked like a melt-down candle. August hated taking picture, or walking to places where many people gathered.
August was homeschooled since he was a child. While August was ten years old, his parents decided to have him go to the school, but he never had a school life before. In a school full of adolescents with childish and ignorant attitude, will August survive his first school year?
“I really think …if I looked like him, seriously I’d kill myself “, his good friend, Jack, once said to other classmates. This unexpected incident on Halloween made August down in the dump. Feeling betrayed by his best friend, and being teased by his classmates, could August adapt well in his school life? Or frustration would break his heart in the end?
Via, August’s sister, was like one of the asteroids revolving round August. Since the birth of her little brother, the time that her parents spend on her had also decreased little by little... Forced by reality, she was used to be a sensible and loving sister. In order not to trouble her family, she always bore her worry and dejection alone. The new semester of school was not that good for her because the friendship with her best friend started to turn sour.
Jack started his friendship with August from answering a phone call from the principal. At first, it was because of the principal's entrustment that he made friends with August, but then he gradually discovered that August was not only humorous but also very smart. On the one hand, he wanted to be August’s friend, but on the other hand, he didn’t want to be bullied just as August .Will he continue being a two-faced liar? Or will he make up his mind to be a sincere friend to August?
August's parents gave up their goals in life, for keeping August company. This shows the warmth of the family ties, and it even made August not to be afraid of difficulties. That why he could grow up bravely, and faced his life with a positive attitude.
The unique feature of this book is that the stories are narrated by multiple characters. Because every character has his or her own view points, and has to face the barrier in life, it gives readers a richer view to comprehend the meanings of story. This is the story that weaves laughter and tear, teaches readers to grow in kindness, and joins the journey of life with the wonder boy, August!
瑞祥高中 |
高一六班 |
趙〇凡 |
Peter's Destiny:The Battle for Narnia
書名/Peter's Destiny:The Battle for Narnia推薦者/瑞祥高中‧趙〇凡內容簡介:
Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy are brothers and sisters.They used to live far from London.Now they live with people they didn’t even know.The owner of the house is a professor Kirke.He lived alone,excpet for his housekepper,Mrs.Macready.One day,Lucy said she was in a wood and she met a Faun named Mr.Tumnus.Others certainly don’t believe what she said and said she was dreaming.When they were playing ball,they broke the window accidentally.They ran into a wardrobe and close the door.However,they entered the place that Lucy said she had been to.Lucy took everyone to Mr.Tumnus’s house,but the house was a mess.After that,they met beaver couple.Edmund ran away and walked into the witch’s trap.In order to save Edmund,Peter and others went to ask for help of Aslan,a lion.After they found Edmund,they had a fight with the Witch.Peter as well as Edmund’s weapon is a sword.Lucy’s is a dagger.Susan’s is a bow.Peter,his brothers and sisters,and armies had a hard fight with the Witch’s army.Finally,Peter and others won the fight.They entered Cair Paravel,which is a palace.They became kings and queens of Narnia.Many years later,they still in the Narnia as wise and noble rulers.One day,they walked into a dark forest.They felt their way with arms outstretched.They pushed their way through the darkness until they tumbled to the floor.They looked around and they found that they came back to professor Kirke’s room.
瑞祥高中 |
107 |
王〇瑄 |
Sense and sensibility
書名/Sense and sensibility推薦者/瑞祥高中‧王〇瑄內容簡介:
Have you ever dreamed of wonderful love?
The sisters from the Dashwood family in this story, like all the girls in the world, have also dreamed of fantastic love.
The elder one is Elinor. She is an intelligent girl who had an excellent sense of self-control. She is intimate and didn't want others to worry about her. In comparison with Elinor, her younger sister, Marianne, is a sensitive person who always puts herself in love. Besides, Elinor was in love with the brother of her sister-in-law's brother, Edward, who is not an ambitious man and always want to out of his mother's control.
In the beginning of the story, the Dashwoods moved from Norland Park, in the southern English to Barton Cottage in Devonshire.
After they moved to Barton Cottage, Marianne met two important men in her life— Colonel Brandon and Willoughby. Colonel Brandon is an old bachelor for Marianne. However, he loved Marianne very much and tried his best to protect her, while Marianne in love with Willoughby, a handsome young man, after he saved her life. However, good times don't get easier, Willoughby part from Marianne after a few days.
Later on, the sisters were invited to London for a guest visit. They heard the news that Willoughby was getting married to others. The news really depressed Marianne and made her feel sick. The same time, a woman calling herself Edward's fiancee broke into the sisters' lives. The sisters have to learn from each other in the way of facing troubles to deal with the problems happened in their lives.
The author, Jane Austen, is a writer in theUK.
She was born in a family of priests in the countryside. Therefore, she is good at writing lives of upper-middle class. She was not a famous writer before because of the prejudice that time. The book 《Sense and Sensibility》is her first work.
Jane always portrays every character in her story confidently. You can imagine the scene in the story easily when you are reading this book. That's why I really enjoy it.
In the story, you can also know the people's life and the history of UK in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. That time, sense and sensibility are the main ideology in the society.
Sense means dealing things in a practical and rational way, and sensibility means dealing things with emotional thoughts. I think Jane's work was influenced by the social change like the end of the classicism and the rise of romanticism. She showed the conflict and difference between two thought and make readers think of the advantages and disadvantages of them.
This is a book that really worth reading. I hope you guys can put yourself into the warm words under Jane's writing and enjoy the story in the book.
立志高中 |
普101 |
王〇捷 |
A Dog’s Purpose
書名/A Dog’s Purpose推薦者/立志高中‧王〇捷內容簡介:
This book mainly describes a dog reincarnating four times. From the mixed stray dog in the first reincarnation, to the second time to become the best playmate of the boy, and then the shepherd dog that saved many people, to the last Labrador. The mission of every life is "to accompany someone": the boy, the police with his lost wife, Maya and her children, the cat with two playmates. More interestingly, even if it does not like a cat, it still tries to get pampered and become the owner's only concern. Each rebirth is a continuation of the affairs learned in the previous life, which is to complete any task that should be completed in the current life. Generally, there is a sense of continuation of the last life, which is to learn to face the world of reality bravely.
What impressed me most was the dog’s second reincarnation. He used the unlocking skills he had learned in his previous life to escape from the puppy mill where he was originally born, and met Ethan, whom it has been thinking about for three reincarnations. In a fire accident, it saw the cause of the accident itself and bit the arsonist, causing his feet to bleed. It has thus become a hero. Ethan was injured by a fire when he escaped, so that the scholarships that had originally been obtained were gone. He was very frustrated, and he was not in the mood to play with it. But it still stayed by his side. In this life, it has experienced Ethan growing up, going to school, making girlfriend, being injured, having low tide, and working. It regards Ethan as its whole world, from death to the next life.
After reading this book, I was really touched. The author wrote this story from the perspective of a dog, enabling us to go deep into the setting, as if we were experiencing the life circle for four times. Because of the dog's bravery, it saved countless lives. Because of the dog's loyalty and eternal companionship until death, it enriches the life of the owner of every life. At the end of the story, it met its favorite boy, Ethan. At that time, the boy had already become an old boy, but it also fulfilled the rest of his life, helping him find his first girlfriend, and having a big happy family. At the last moment of the boy's life, it lay faithfully beside Ethan. It knew that it is about to lose its favorite person, but at that moment, its heart was calm. And it knew that it has completed the purpose and meaning of going through countless reincarnations. A small dog is born with a big mission. It understands your joys and sorrows, and understands your loneliness. Its only task is to keep you in a happy mood and to accompany his identified master forever. Such a naive character, with many reincarnations, that it just wants to meet you one more time.
瑞祥高中 |
二年六班 |
吳〇璇 |
The Great Gatsby
書名/The Great Gatsby推薦者/瑞祥高中‧吳〇璇內容簡介:
The story narrated by Nick Carraway, a reporter who was within, but also without, the whole story. To start the new career, Nick Carraway moved to the most luxurious town in Long Island. Near his house was a gorgeous mansion which belonged to the billionaire Jay Gatsby. Gatsby was the mysterious character for every citizens here. He held lavish parties every night and was willing everyone to join. However, no one has ever seen him appeared in his party.
One day, Nick surprised that he received a party invitation from Gatsby. Except him, no one had ever received the invitation. He then found out that all the extravagant parties are just holding for one girl, Daisy, his cousin who lived across the bay. Gatsby hoped these music and lights could attract her sight, and maybe one day she would come.
Gatsby explained that he and Daisy were fall in love with each other years ago, but back then he didn’t have enough money to give her a proper life. So he left, and Daisy married Tom a few years later.
For Gatsby's desire, Nick agreed to arrange their meeting. When the time they finally reunited, Daisy couldn’t stop but crying, all these memories with Gatsby rapidly came through her mind. Daisy fell in love with Gatsby again.
Since this day, she and Gatsby started an secret affair and got together in Gatsby’s mansion frequently. Things seemed to be going smoothly, but all this affair was noticed by her husband Tom.
The atmosphere between Gatsby and Daisy became tension. Gatsby forced Daisy to say that she had never loved her husband. She however didn't want to ruined her marriage. Daisy was so greedy that she wanted both her husband Tom and her lover Gatsby. But now, she couldn't stand Gatsby anymore.
They negotiated in Tom's car but whole things went wrong. Daisy drove the car in rage, and the speed became too fast to control. She accidentally hit a woman and the woman lost her life in a blink of the eye. And this woman happens to be tom's mistress. Tom knew that all these things done by Daisy, but he was too nervous to tell the truth. He told the woman's husband, George, that Gatsby done all these things, including had an affair with his wife, and in the end killed his wife.
George collapsed and swear to revenge. He slipped into Gatsby’s mansion and shoot him. Gatsby died directly. Then he suicided by shooting himself.
Nick couldn’t accept the result. He knew the driver was Daisy, not Gatsby. However, Gatsby was willing to take responsibility of all these things for Daisy, because he loved her. Even in the last minute in his life. Nick helped arranging Gatsby’s funeral. He invited many people who knew Gatsby. Sadly, on that day, nobody came but Nick.
After the incident, Nick moved back to his hometown. He would put these memory deep in his mind.
瑞祥高中 |
高一七班 |
李〇甄 |
書名/ANIMAL FARM推薦者/瑞祥高中‧李〇甄內容簡介:
This is a fairy tale which is full of satire.
One night that was destined to be unsteady, the old pig named Old Major gathered all the animals on the farm in the big barn, telling the animals about the crazy heard from his mother and other aunts. It was about the freedom of animals. That night, all animals sang songs, imagining days without human shackles.
Before long, Old Major died, and the young master hoped to stop the control from the human. The two young inheritors named Snowball and Napoleon appeared to lead every animals on the farm. On the farm, pigs are considered to be the smartest animals by all animals, so Snowball and Napoleon have become the best spokesmen for animalism.
Napoleon has a deeper personality. Snowballs are more lively and creative than Napoleon, so animals prefer Snowballs. There is another pig named Squealer, who is very good at speaking. In the process of promoting animalism, Snowball and Napoleon are often at odds, but they have a consensus on fighting against humans.
In cool June, the farm owner Mr. Jones forgot to feed the animals because he was drunk. Therefore, the hungry animals couldn't stand their hunger and slammed open the door of the storage room. Mr. Jones and a group of workers immediately picked up the whip to drive the animal. The animals influenced by animalism immediately rebelled, kicked Mr. Jones and the workers violently, and drove them out of the farm. After the victory, the animals wiped out the traces left by Mr. Jones, and set the seven commandments of the animals. After Mr. Jones left, the animals began to produce on there own. Without the iron chain and whip, the animals began to produce happily, and the harvest wanted to be successful.
By the end of the summer, the stories of the animals in the animal farms successfully resisting humanity were widely spread. Snowball and Napoleon sent pigeons to tell their stories to the animals in the nearby farm and teach them how to sing "The Song of England". Of course, humans also heard about the deeds of animal farms. Mr. Jones took a group of workers to recapture the animal farms. Under the leadership of Snowball, the animals won again. Although some animals suffered some injuries in this battle, the animals are still extremely glorious about this victory.
In the cold winter, Snowball proposed to the animals a plan to build a windmill. Snowball explained to other animals that the windmill can be used to generate electricity. After the animal farm can use electricity to produce what they needed automatically. Unfortunately, the plan was strongly opposed by Napoleon. Therefore, all the animals in the farm split into two factions. After the last battle, Napoleon advocated that the animals should obtain force, and Snowball suggested that pigeons should be sent to persuade other farm animals to resist together. When they argued about this, Snowball's windmill blueprint was completed. Snowball used fluent speech to persuade other animals to agree to his plan. Napoleon unexpectedly did not refute fiercely. When Snowball was halfway through the speech, a sharp dog bark came from outside the farmhouse. Nine big dogs chased after the Snowball, and the Snowball was forced to escape from the farm by the fierce big dog.
After the Snowball was expelled, Napoleon led the subsequent parliament with nine ferocious dogs. He sent Squealer to explain to other animals that Snowball was actually a conspiracy to build a windmill.
After Snowball left the farm, Napoleon began to have the right to rule the farm alone. He ordered people to secretly change the content of the Seven Commandments and began to squeeze other animals to do more work, but other animals were also confused with deep words. Many illiterate animals thought their lives are getting better and better, even if their food had been decreasing day by day. Even though some literate animals found out that they were not right, they wanted to revolt Napoleon's practice, but they were all executed by Napoleon on charges of rebellion. In the end, the animals became more and more afraid to resist. Napoleon violated the regulations of the seven precepts at that time, and executed his voice at will, and they hated the human trade. Some animals found that Napoleon began to become the same as humans. Walking on two legs, playing cards and drinking with humans, the story ended in a pleasant conversation between Napoleon and humans.
The animal farm projected the process of human beings gradually becoming communist. Napoleon played the role of Stalin at that time. Under Napoleon's rule, the animal farm didn't get better.
瑞祥高中 |
103 |
姚〇邑 |
書名/13 REASONS WHY推薦者/瑞祥高中‧姚〇邑內容簡介:
Do you face destructive verbal or physical attack right now? How do you deal with it? Which one is your solution, by sit -and –waiting or by asking helps from others? Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher in 2007 is a good novel for us to think twice. The female character Hannah Baker commits suicide by taking pills at the first of the story. As for her, her classmates and teachers should be to blame for her suicide. Before ending her life, she records thirteen tapes to tell these “killers” how she feels about these behaviors they inflict on her. She asks these killers must finish listening to all of these tapes by turns. If these killers fail to follow her asking, she definitely releases another tape with more jaw-dropping details about what injuries they inflict on her. That is, the 13 tapes include thirteen sad stories, 13 killers respectively involved in Hannah’s suicide.
The male character Clay Jenson was surprised while getting the tapes. He thought he never harmed Hannah. To realize why Hannah killed herself, he walked around the town by following the details provided in the tapes. After stepping every spot in the town Hannah mentioned in her tapes, he realized Hannah gradually. He found the reasons why Hannah committed suicide. It was a series of classmates’ betraying, cheating, rape and classmates bully that forced Hannah to end her life.
Hanna initially had a great start of the senior high school life. However, her friends left her gradually because of their misunderstanding. Although she had a great opportunity to make good friend, like Clay, she missed it because she had been cheated and harmed by her other food friends many times. She dared not to trust anyone even if she thought of Clay as honest and trust-worthy. Therefore, she refused to talk to Clay about what she thought of her friends who cheated, harmed or bullied her. While I was reading the story, I thought her confining herself not only in her room but also in her mind.
On the eve of her suicide, none of her friends was beside her. Clay and his friend Tony regretted about their carelessness. They regretted they had taken Hanna’s crying for help lightly. They felt very sad about not preventing Hanna from committing suicide in time. In order to make sure the killers’ real identities Hanna mentioned in her 13 tapes, Clay and Tony made secret enquiries in the school, kept listening the tapes and finished inquiring all “crime scenes” Hanna mentioned in her tapes. Much to their astonishment, more and more “jaw-dropping” stories appeared after their enquiries.
After reading the story, I realize how serious our verbal words are. Most of these killers Hanna mentioned in these tapes did not know they are killers until they finished listening to these tapes. It did not matter if they do it on purpose or by accident. What mattered most was the injury they inflict. For example, Hanna was chosen as the most beautiful butt in the school by her classmate’s Alex. Alex spread the idea among the classmates. Therefore, all of Hanna’s classmates focused their attention on Hanna’s sexual “butt,” instead of herself. What’s worse, Hanna fell victim to sexual harassment because of Alex’s verbal spreading. I felt very sad while reading the story. As for me, the novel teaches me the importance of “think twice before asking or speaking.”
高雄女中 |
一年六班 |
莊〇安 |
August Pullman (Auggie), a ten-year-old boy, was born in a family with love. However, he was different from any other kid. The congenital disease, which caused him to undergo numerous surgeries, led to his unusual look. Before fifth grade, Auggie was home educated by his mother. However, the new semester was around the corner, Mr. and Mrs. Pullman decided to let Auggie go to school and study with the peers. This was how the nightmare began, how he became stronger and how he made a lot of true friends.
At first, through the assistance from school, Auggie made some friends successfully, like Jack. But there were still some mean kids kept bullying him, like Julian. The bullies not only avoided touching him but called him names. Auggie felt really upset about this and didn’t want to go to school. Therefore, friends became a very important reason for him to go to school every day until Halloween. Halloween had always been Auggie’s favorite holiday since he could wear masks and costumes that could hide himself inside the crowd. No one could recognize him. That day, when he walked into the classroom, he was devastated by hearing Jack told Julian that it was principle who asked him to make friend with Auggie. Since then, he stopped talking with Jack.
On the other hand, Via was betrayed by her best friend, Miranda. She thought her parents didn’t care about her while they spent most of their time accompanying Auggie, who was also upset with his school life. But she didn’t turn against with Auggie. Instead, she consoled him, told him that she had met with the same problem, and helped Auggie get through the dilemma. In the end, she rebuilt her friendship with Miranda, dated with a boy, and even amazed her parents on the school drama presentation.
When Jack finally realized why Auggie ignored him, he took action to let Auggie know it was a misunderstanding. In fact, Jack did like Auggie, but he was also afraid of being crowded out by Julian. Nevertheless, he finally found out what really mattered to him. Having a sincere friend was much more important than worrying about being hated by those who he didn’t want to be with. Eventually, he apologized to Auggie and they made up with each other. With Auggie’s talent on science, he teamed up with Jack on the science fair and won the first place. At the same time, more and more classmates found out that Auggie was actually easy to get along with, and they helped him fight against the teenagers from other school who wanted to assault them during the school trip in the end. At the graduation ceremony, Auggie was given a special award for encouraging many of the students silently, and received everyone’s admiration.
道明中學 |
01 |
洪〇蓁 |
Sixteen-year-old Maddie Fynn has a gift, or perhaps more of a curse—she can see everyone’s death date. She is haunted and plagued every day by the tiny, dark digits engraved deep on the forehead of every person she sees. As a child, she had innocently uttered the ominous numbers etched on her father’s forehead, blind to the fact that it was the very day that they would bury her father. Since her father’s passing, Maddie constantly feels guilty for not realizing the meaning behind those numbers and copes by writing the dates of people she sees into a notebook. To make ends meet, Maddie reluctantly identifies death dates for paying customers desperate to know the death dates of their loved ones. Albeit being an odd method to earn an income, it seems to Maddie and her mother a simple way to support their small family.
However, Maddie’s whole world shifts when the young son of her clients goes missing on the exact date of his predicted death date. When the boy’s horribly tortured body is discovered, all fingers point to Maddie and her best friend, Stubby, as main suspects to this mystery. Things go haywire when another girl is abducted and discovered dead. Stubby is accused of killing the cheerleader because of his suspicious behavior the day before the girl’s death. Chaos unfurls as more and more troubles tangle into Maddie’s life, with her mother being hospitalized for alcoholism and more kids going missing. It becomes increasingly important for Maddie to find out the truth and save not only Stubby, but also other kids who may be abducted and murdered by the same killer. To make matters worse, the murderer appears to be obsessed with Maddie herself. Even when she’s proven completely innocent, the FBI and herself cannot figure out who could be so intent on killing all these kids. While there are a few suspects listed, all suspects fail to fit at least one of the categories that the FBI made with the little evidence they have.
A satisfying plot twist reveals the true murderer, someone who Maddie had trusted and never suspected. One night, Maddie is threatened in her own home, where the murderer reveals that he has always wanted to kill people. Thanks to Maddie predicting his premature death, he viewed it as an opportunity to feed into his sick fantasies. However, it was only a couple minutes until his supposed death date passed and he had not died yet. The book reaches its climax in a frenzied crescendo, with the murderer vowing to kill Maddie if he doesn’t die on the exact day that she had predicted. Unbeknownst to the killer, the clock in Maddie’s home was ten minutes fast.
The book ends on a positive note, with Maddie seeing changes to her mom’s death date and dates of other happy events. While the novel is about a girl who sees death, the hidden moral is just how precious life is.
高雄高工 |
子一乙 |
林〇宇 |
Flat out Flat broke
書名/Flat out Flat broke推薦者/高雄高工‧林〇宇內容簡介:
Flat Out Flat Broke: Formula 1 the Hard Way!
By Perry McCarthy
Since his childhood, Perry had been dreaming of becoming a racing driver. At the age of 18, a session at Brands Hatch proved him to be a natural driver. He began to prepare for his future career, but he ran into a problem that would plague the rest of his career. That was money. Since his father wouldn’t back him up, Perry spent much of his time trying to raise money for him to race and to enter the world of F1. Along the way, he made many good friends. Although Perry had achieved some success in the junior racing series, he was still lacking funds and the record on track to be picked up by a Formula 1 team.
One day, one of his friends told him that a newly formed Italian team wanted to replace its two drivers and asked him if he wanted a drive in F1. Although the team wasn’t the best choice, Perry didn’t care. He was finally in F1 and nothing could stop him now. But his team boss wasn’t exactly happy with him, because one of the former drivers came back with one-million-dollar sponsorship. Because the boss couldn’t swap Perry out for the driver, the team would lose one million dollars. The team, pissing off at Perry, decided to make Perry’s time with the team as miserable as possible. Such tortures included sending him out on wet tires during dry sessions and giving him a driveshaft with a problem. The relation between the driver and the team became very tense. Adding on the poor performance and the unreliability of the car, it only made the situation worse. And when the team finally folded, Perry made up his mind that he was done with racing in F1. He had bet everything he had on getting into F1, but he was again out of a seat and in severe debt. He took a break from the sport for his and his wife’s own good. Although his life has been a rollercoaster ride up until now, he hasn’t given up. After a brief retirement, he is back in the sport and looking for opportunities.
Although this book wasn’t written to be a comedy, the author’s humor is the part that I like most. I especially admire the way he just kept smiling and joking without ever giving up even when the reality was crashing down on him. Throughout the book, whether he is winning or losing, I just want to keep cheering him on. I learn one lesson from this book. That is, when situations seem difficult or the task is nearly impossible to complete, just keep trying. If you stick to your goal, the chances of succeeding are never going to be zero.
高雄高工 |
電一乙 |
黃〇亮 |
August, a boy who underwent plenty surgeries on his face, has a deformed appearance that scares kids at the same age away. Because of the surgeries, August couldn’t go to school. Instead, his mom homeschooled him. Going to a middle school to him was a great challenge, and it’s his Mom that made this choice.
Most of the kids in the school made the negative reaction while seeing August. Summer, which differed from others, talked to August first because she felt sorry for him. Through hanging out with him, she had found out how fun he was. Jack, who was asked by the school principle to be nice to August, also found out his interesting trait and started interacting with him. However, Jack badmouthed him and didn’t know he was listening. August considered Summer and Jack his best friends. When he heard Jack badmouthed him, he was so heartbroken that he didn’t want to even go to school, thinking that he was the unluckiest boy in the world. His sister, Via, also had a bad day on her first day in high school because her friends stopped talking to her. Via came into his room and said to him what she had gone through. Knowing what happened to August, she wanted him to go back to school, pretending that nothing happened and to not let those words hurt him.
August went back to school and ignored Jack, treating him as a stranger. Originally, Jack was mad. When he found out that August heard his mean words, he realized how stupid he was. He felt regret about what he had done, and pissed Julian when he, who was the most popular boy in the grade, made fun of August again. Jack couldn’t help punching Julian in his mouth. After that, Jack was suspended for a couple days. In those days, Jack made up with August. After Jack went back to school, he was treated viciously like August by most of the kids. He soon understood that it was Julian who pulled the string.
August’s life had changed after the three-day school trip. Everyone had altered their views about August ever since the trip. During the trip, Jack and August went peeing in the woods because they didn’t want to wait for the toilet, but they bumped into some high grade jerks on their way. The jerks laughed at August and tried to attack them. August stood in front of the jerks to stop them from attacking Jack. The other classmates who usually hanged out with Julian saw it and helped them deal with the big guys.
That’s how August got famous, not for his look, but for his brave behavior.Therefore, don’t judge a book by its cover. There can be more to learn under one’s skin.
高雄中學 |
一年九班 |
鍾〇弘 |
The Gift of Anger: And Other Lessons from My Grandfather Mahatma Gandhi
書名/The Gift of Anger: And Other Lessons from My Grandfather Mahatma Gandhi推薦者/高雄中學‧鍾〇弘內容簡介:
Mahatma Gandhi, who is regarded as one of the greatest heroes throughout the history, was born in India. As an Indian man, Gandhi was treated unfairly due to his brown skin. One day, while he was taking a train, he was noticed by a white passenger, and the passenger called a train official to ask Gandhi to leave the first-class seat. Nevertheless, Gandhi refused to get out voluntarily, and then he was pushed out of train. Refusing to accept injustice, Gandhi used a peaceful way to fight against the British government. Even though the British government sent their soldiers to attack Gandhi and other Indians, Gandhi adhered to fight back through quiet, nonviolent protest. Eventually, India gained independence from Britain in 1947.
This book is regarding the teachings of Gandhi, and it is written by Mahatma Gandhi’s fifth grandson, Arun Gandhi. Arun was brought to India to live with his grandfather, Gandhi, while he was twelve. In those days, Arun learned many lessons from Gandhi, experiencing various significant historic events. The life with Gandhi lasted two years, and Arun gradually grew up from a naive boy to a mature youngster. Through the eleven lessons in this book, Arun gives the readers a chance to understand more about Mahatma Gandhi and ourselves. Whether you know Gandhi or not, it is a great book worth reading. Last but not least, we should change ourselves before we change this world.
高雄中學 |
一年18班 |
林〇哲 |
The Graduation of JAKE MOON
書名/The Graduation of JAKE MOON推薦者/高雄中學‧林〇哲內容簡介:
The story began with an imperfect family. The main character is called Jack Moon, and the story is told from his perspective. The second character is Skelly, his grandpa. The third character is Jack’s mother, who gave birth to him while in university. Soon after, his mom took him back to her father’s home after she broke up with her boyfriend. At first, everything seemed peaceful. Unfortunately, Skelly started forgetting what he had just done moments before, and the doctor diagnosed him with Alzheimer’s. In response to his condition, Jack’s mother posted notes on daily necessities to help him remember what to do next. One day, Jack and his cousin quarreled. Skelly fell to the ground and hurt his wrist trying to stop the fight. It was hard for him to accept the injury because he used to be a painter and carpenter before. As a result, he became depressed and stared at the cast all the time. What’s worse, his symptoms weren’t getting better. He even forgot who Jack was and regarded him as his old friend Harper. Therefore, Jack’s mother hired a nurse to take care of him, but he still had to stay home for hours to watch his grandpa sometimes. Because of this, he could’t attend his drum class and started to resent his grandpa. Skelly forgot more and more. Sometimes he could’t remember who he was or where he was. He wandered off. One night, three eighth-grade boys saw a weird old man sitting on the edge of a trash dumpster. At first, they thought he would commit suicide, but they regarded him as slow and started to make fun of him soon after noticing his odd behavior. However, the third child, Jack, kept quiet because he knew the old man was his grandfather, Skelly. Luckily, a kind neighbor appeared and helped the family, so everything went smoothly afterwards. A year later, Jack was about to graduate. At that time, he got hold of a book The Pearl, by John Steinbeck, which contained many sad stories. The seemingly similar experience resonated powerfully with him. Once again, Skelly accidentally got lost, so everyone desperately wanted to find him. Fortunately he had been found by Jack with the cooperation of a taxi driver. After several weeks, despite having fallen down, Skelly tried to attend Jack’s graduation ceremony. He successfully did it because Jack accompanied him. Because of his kind gesture, the school principal told Jack that he should be proud of him. Since then, Jack improved his attitude toward Skelly. He started to worried about him and willingly takes care of him now. The change in their relationship has moved everyone. I recommend this story to those who cherish family relationship, especially the families with Alzheimer’s.
瑞祥高中 |
20716 |
鄭〇文 |
The Wind’s Twelve Quarters
書名/The Wind’s Twelve Quarters推薦者/瑞祥高中‧鄭〇文內容簡介:
When it comes to fantasy novels, which book will flash through your mind? Harry Potter, THE LORD OF THE RINGS, or Frankenstein? If you ask me the same question, I will recommend you Ursula K. Le Guinn’s works. My favorite one is “The Wind’s Twelve Quarters."
It is a collection of seventeen stories. With writer’s special ideas, the lines show us her unique views and singular thoughts. The writer gradually leads readers into her magical world. It’s hard to choose which story to start when we open this book in the beginning. So, let me show you my favorite one of this collection—“The One’s Who Walk Away from Omelas.”
There was a place named Omelas. There were no many rules, no fights with one another , no terrible behaviors, and nothing bad. People inhabited happily in Omelas. They enjoyed the joyful and polite way to get together with everyone, as well as to strangers. People always greeted one another with smile. They wisely lived here with happiness. However, a secret was in everyone’s heart—a little boy should have lived his joyful life, but unfortunately, was locked in a dirty, wet, and dark basement. He was as thin as a skeleton man, and was like a hopeless patient. People only gave him some food and water to keep his life. In addition, people would be taken to see the child when they were eighteen years old. Strangely, they were not allowed to talk to him or to save him. They just passed the jail quietly, though the boy yelled and asked for help. Miserably, the truth is Omela’s peace was exchanged by the boy’s freedom. What’s sad, no one knew the reason. Some people found the truth and cried out loudly after they went back home and some even chose to leave this unfair place. Walking into the dark road beside Omelas, though they didn’t know where they would be in the future, with strong will, they just want to search for and struggle for their own happiness. They knew true happiness wasn’t not built on sarcrificing other’s happiness.
Ursula K. Le Guin’s words are so powerful that they attract people all over the world, making readers reflect what they have taken for granted. With curiosity, you can get this fiction, and enjoy these particular stories right now!
高雄高工 |
圖一乙 |
陳〇欣 |
Who was Martin Luther King,Jr?
書名/Who was Martin Luther King,Jr?推薦者/高雄高工‧陳〇欣內容簡介:
Do you know who Martin Luther King, Jr was? You will know everything about Martin as long as you read this book. Martin Luther was one of the greatest civil rights leaders. Today, people around the world still remember what he did in his fight for equality. And Martin claimed with peaceful fights. So he was awarded the Noble Peace Prize! He had delivered a famous speech “I have a dream” In the speech, he hoped one day people would judge his four young children for who they were rather than by the color of their skin. He went through many obstacles and setbacks. He even had been put in a jail.
Unfortunately, such a justice and kind person ended up in a tragedy. On June 8, 1968, he was killed by a white man. When he stepped out onto the balcony of his room at the motel. Although he lost his life, he still succeeded! He died over forty years ago. His dream for equality lives on till now. Today every American citizen, whether black or white, has an equal right to vote and all people should be treated equally!
I really admire his courage to speak up for the disadvantaged. In such a conservative circumstance, he dared to speak for black people. Thanks to Martin, the racial discrimination has become less and less. But recently, a black person named George Floyd was strangled to death by a while policemen. This social event aroused a lot of demonstrations called “Black Lives Matter” all over the U.S. Would a leader like Martin Luther appear to solve this discriminatory problem? Who knows? Before another hero shows up to do the justice, people can read this book first. Maybe they will change their attitude and concept toward race discrimination. The day will truly come when everyone is treated equally!
瑞祥高中 |
203 |
徐〇萍 |
書名/THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET推薦者/瑞祥高中‧徐〇萍內容簡介:
Once upon a time, in the old train station lived a twelve years old boy, lonely guarding twenty-seven clocks, and leading an unknown and miserable life. In addition to working as a clock watcher, this young wretched boy, Hugo, also had another two identities: an orphan and a thief.
Hugo earned a living by stealing bread and milk. One of his biggest dream was to repair a damaged and broken robot left by his father, who accidentally discovered this robot while working in the museum. His father originally intended to fix it, but out of the blue, a fierce fair claimed the life of his beloved father. All of a sudden, Hugo soon become an orphan. One day , Hugo happened to find the notebook his father wrote while he was trying to maintain the robot and that damaged robot. That was totally a sentimental moment because Hugo thought that he would be able to unpuzzle the messages his father planned to convey to him as long as he repaired the toy.
In the meantime, things always went unexpected, no matter what results turned out to be. Hugo’s own fate gradually started to make a change during the process that he attempted to get the toy fixed, which triggered a series of incredible connections between Hugo, an old man owning and running a toy store, and a clever girl called Isabel. The whole storyline was as complicated as the gears in the machine,which,meanwhile,also revealed the secret past and all the mysteries hidden in the robot.
After the enigma was solved, not only was Hugo’s life dramatically changed, but also the magic influenced the toy store owner, who allowed him to complete producing one movie after another. Hugo Cabret unbelievably transformed into a prominent magician, under the stage name of Professor Cofresbah. He once strongly believed that repairing the robot could thoroughly help him escape from his original pathetic and impoverished life. Indeed,without any doubt, Hugo magically reversed his life with an amazing robot and a wonderful journey.
三民高中 |
309 |
莊〇婷 |
Walk Two Moons
書名/Walk Two Moons推薦者/三民高中‧莊〇婷內容簡介:
"Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins."
The book talks about a girl Sal, accompanied by her grandparents, going on a journey for searching for her mother. Sal's mother ran away from home, so she hoped that she could find her mother and bring her home on her mother's birthday. Sal insisted that her mother would be coming home again. During the journey, Sal also told her grandparents a story about her friend Phoebe.
When Sal moved from original home, she was very unhappy. She thought that her father wanted to be closer to Partridge, Margaret, who was her father's friend. It was not until she met Phoebe that she realized the truth. Phoebe was a quiet girl who stayed mostly by herself. One day, Phoebe's family received the Weird messages, and a young man wanted to find Phoebe's mother. Soon after, Phoebe's mother was missing. Sal realized the feeling of losing Mother, so she decided to help Phoebe find her mother back. In the end, Phoebe's mother came home and took a young man home. Phoebe's mother told the family that the young man is her son, who she had adopted before she married Mr. Winterbottom. Compared with Sal, Pheoebe's story had a good ending.
After experiencing this thing, Sal decided to plunk up her courage to search for her mother. They used postcards left by Sal's mother to guide them on their journey. Unfortunately, Sal's grandmother had a stroke at the end of the journey. They might not make it to Lewiston in time for her mother's birthday. Sal's grandfather hoped that she could finish the journey by herself. Eventually, Sal's grandmother died. Instead of seeing her mother, she saw her mother's grave. It turned out that her mother died from a car accident, and her family feared that she could not endure the pain of losing mother, so they decided to cheat on her that her mother ran away from home. To let Sal to see what her mother had seen and felt on her last trip, her grandparents planned the journey in particular. Sal also found that Margaret was related to her mother. Margaret was one survivor of the car accident. At that time, she was sitting beside Sal's mother on the bus when the car accident happened. Sal finally realized why her father always chatted with Margaret because she was his connection to his dead wife.
Finally, Sal understood many facts and memories. Sal could forgive her mother and then console his father.Sal understood that something that is not as awful as it was. As the Indian Proverbs, "Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins." Sometimes, we should stand in one's shoes, and do not judge others too subjectively.
三民高中 |
309 |
蔡〇能 |
Novel Saxophone
書名/Novel Saxophone推薦者/三民高中‧蔡〇能內容簡介:
The story talks about a reporter Katy. In 1990s, she arrived in Sarajevo, a city under war.What drive her to do the research was that her husband cheated on her. She went to Sarajevo with an Intalian reparter. The Italian kept reminding her of being objective, saying,”This is neither my war nor your war. All we need to do is report” what we see and stay outside of it. We can’t get too involved. However Katy reported more, because she liked her job and wanted to let Americans know the conflict between the two countries. She hoped that America could interfere in the war and helped those people in danger.
In the story, by reporting the war in Sarajevo, Katy attempted to shift her bad mood of her husband cheating on her. In the begining, she just got a little bit close because she was afraid of death. Soon, she met some Serbija soilders and asked them why not to stop the war between them and Bosnai. The told her they had conflicts before and Bosnai had taken many places and food from them. They told her if they didn’t stop the war, it might happen again. One of the soliders said if she wanted to know more about what happened about the war, then following him to the mountain the next day. Katy decided to know what happened and decided to report it to let everyone know about the war.
When Katy went to the mountainous area, she saw two girls with white skirts running to the refuge. The solider asked her which to kill. She felt nervous about what the solider asked. She said”none” to the solider. Then, the solider killed both of two girls, saying that if you choose one, you could save the other. Then, the solider wanted to kill Katy, she ran away and heard the gunfire. All she could do was just keep running. Later, she was saved by a stranger that was a refugee, too, trying find a place to hide.For a moment, she got up and found someone playing saxophone. She found a man and asked him for his story. He said that all his fourteen band members died in the war. He would still play saxohone because he thought these spirits were still here. He would play saxophone fourteen days for each band members.
He wanted to play saxophone in memory of his fourteen members from the band. Katy stayed night with him that day. She decided to let Americans know that how terrified the war in sarajevo was. The next day, she went down mountains and talked about whole things to the Italian reporter. The Italian reporter agred her to report to it everyone as much as she could. She reported in American many soliders teamed up to help them, finally ending the war. Katy also gave birth to two kids. The father is the man who played saxophone in the war.
三民高中 |
305 |
陳〇妤 |
The Hound of the Baskervilles
書名/The Hound of the Baskervilles推薦者/三民高中‧陳〇妤內容簡介:
I watch the novel, named The Hound of the Baskervilles, is written
by Sir A.Conan Doyle. The characters are Sherlock Holmes、Dr John Watson、Hugo Baskerville、Charles Baskerville、Henry Baskerville、Dr James Mortimer、Jack Stapleton、Miss Beryl Stapleton、John、Eliza Barrymore、Laura Lyons、Selden、Selden、Inspector G. Lestrade etc. It is the third novels about Sherlock Holmes series, and it is a detective novel .
The story was classified twelve chapters. It was beginning at Dr James Mortimer asks Sherlock Holmes for advice after his friend Sir Charles Baskerville was found dead in the park surrounding his manor, in the moors of Devon. The death was attributed to a heart attack, but according to Mortimer, Sir Charles's face retained an expression of horror, and not far from the corpse the footprints of a gigantic hound were clearly visible. But nobody knew the truth about the gigantic hound. So, Dr James Mortimer worried about Sir Charles Baskerville’nephew who was the only property heir named Sir Henry Baskerville, Dr James Mortimer came to London to take Sherlock Holmes’help.
Sir Charles Baskerville fleet but he fallen because of his heart attack. Luckily, the gigantic hound didn't eat corpse, he could just live. Sherlock Holmes also found the truth and untangled Baskerville’s curse.
三民高中 |
306 |
林〇旋 |
The Fault in Our Stars
書名/The Fault in Our Stars推薦者/三民高中‧林〇旋內容簡介:
If you were a cancer patient, how would you spend the remaining of your vulnerable life? “The Fault in Our Stars”, by John Green, is a book about the difficulties the cancer patients and their families went through and their views of the meaning of life. The story began at a support group where Hazel and Augustus met. The two soon fell in love with each other. However, just like the name of the book, their love story was destined to be a sad one since the very beginning.
The author depicted the struggles of the teenage patients fighting cancer through the life of Hazel, Augustus and Isaac. In each support group meeting, the members shared how they handled their lives and the worries. It was always boring and sad. Hazel was never enthusiastic to participate. The only member in the group that could pick her interest was Isaac, the one-eyed man. It’s not until the day Augustus showed up, the support group became different to her.
Hazel didn’t want to develop any close relationship with anyone. She was afraid that she would leave too much sorrow to the ones who loved her after she died. But then, she had a crush on Augustus. How should she deal with her affection toward him? Was it fair to have a relationship when she was dying anytime? Right before Isaac’s surgery to remove his remaining eye to save his life, his girlfriend left him for not being able to handle the fear of being together with a totally blind person. Augustus was once a top basketball player, who seemed to be the person to have a healthy long life. However, losing one leg had dramatically changed his entire life. They were simply teenagers, but how they viewed death was very different from normal people. Facing death was their daily life as well as a reality prohibiting them from being common teenagers.
Green created another book, “An Imperial Affliction”, inside the story. The book told about a young child suffering from cancer, which became the connection between Augustus and Hazel. Hazel shared it to Augustus who fell into a desperation to search the ending of the story, just like Hazel did. Augustus later arranged a trip for the seriously ill Hazel to Amsterdam to meet the author of “An Imperial Affliction” for the answers that never appeared in the book. Though it seemed like Augustus gave his wish granted by the Genies to Hazel, the trip turned out to be the fulfillment of his own wish. Later, the recurrence of his Osteosarcoma, a disease of 80% surviving rate, soon took his life after the trip.
This book is about romance, but I would rather say it is a book about the attitude toward death. “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars, but in ourselves.” is quoted from “Julius Caesar” written by Willian Shakespeare. It implies that our fate is under our control. Nevertheless, to these teenage patients, the fault does exist in their stars and they have no control over it.
三民高中 |
二年二班4號 |
杜〇漢 |
A Walk to Remember
書名/A Walk to Remember推薦者/三民高中‧杜〇漢內容簡介:
Have you ever met a person that you thought you never had a chance to know more about him or her during your school days? Or maybe you thought that person was weird in the first place but turned out interesting and became friend with him or her? A Walk to Remember, written by Nicholas Sparks, a well-known writer whose novels were often adapted to movies, was a romantic story not only about love but about beliefs.
This book was written in first person point of view and Landon Carter was the narrator of the story. In the beginning of this story, we could see an old man, Landon Carter. Then the story rewound to his 17. He met the one that he should not be in love with, Jamie Sullivan, a religious girl who always carried her mother’s Bible in town. The reason why they should not be together had to be traced back to the conflict between Landon’s grandfather, who earned the family fortune by doing bad things. Jamie’s father, the minister of a church, knew what Landon’s grandfather had done. Because Landon was too late to invite other girls to the school dance party he had no choice but to ask Jamie as his dancing partner. However, Jamie had only one request.“You have to promise you won't fall in love with me.” And for Landon, who thought of the date with Jamie as a redemption of being mean to the Jamies, found Jamie was an attractive girl at that moment.
What people learned from this story are the importance of love and faith. Landon often picked on the Jamies and laughed at them behind their back, but Jamie still took on him. When Landon realized how sweet and innocent Jamie was ,he decided to accept what Jamie asked him to do. Landon took part in one of the roles in the play written by Jamie’s father. After Jamie asked Landon to go to the orphanage with her, Landon saw the place which was lack of love could be warmed up by an ordinary girl. She made the orphans feel like they were at home. Jamie, who believed in God, devoted herself to helping the orphans. However, the fact that she was really ill couldn’t be changed. Did she complain about it and stop believing in God? No. She still thought of it as the Lord’s plan, and so was the destiny of meeting Landon.
The novel is heart touching. The story shows the main characters struggle together through their love obstacles. It makes people know the true meaning of love.
三民高中 |
305 |
鍾〇儀 |
書名/13 REASONS WHY推薦者/三民高中‧鍾〇儀內容簡介:
The story started from a boy called Clay received a package including 13 roll of audiotapes. The voice of the tapes are belonging with a dead girl, Hannah.
The story surrounding the situation that Hannah has encountered before she died, including sexual harassment ,being isolated, not being trusted, not respected, frustration and helplessness.
You will find Clay′ s mental level changed when he listen the tape one by one, and along with the more story you see, the more helpless you will be.The end of the story, after Clay listened all the tapes, he decided to care other people. After you read the novel, you may more care your friends, your family, or your classmates, because you don′ t want they become Hannah.
13 REASONS WHY is a sad and provoking novel and it must be worth reading!
福誠高中 |
202 |
王〇豪 |
This book is about two boys searching for the hidden treasure. Stanley Yelnats and Hector Zeroni are sent to a teenager detention camp located in the middle of desert. Actually , only boys who have done something wrong are sent there where they need to dig a hole everyday, dig for a treasure that a warden from the Walker family wants very much.
While they are digging, Stanley finds a lipstick container with an outline of heart and the letters KB etched inside it in his hole. After he discovers it, he gives it to another boy who hands it over to the warden. One day, Hector has some trouble with a counselor. Out of anger, he then runs away up to a mountain. Being worried, Stanley chases after him. When they meet each other in the mountains, a thought hits Stanley suddenly “Probably there's something more buried under my hole.”Therefore, they secretly head back to his hole. As expected, they find a suitcase. However, little does he know that inside the suitcase are his great grandfather's jewelries and personal belongings. Unfortunately, they are caught by the warden. It is at that moment that Stanley's lawyer has arrived in time. The lawyer not only proves Stanley is innocent but also arranges them to leave the detention camp.
There's a story behind the treasure. About a hundred years ago, Kate was a teacher at a town, and she was in loved with Sam who sold onions. But Charles who was from Walker family had a crush on Kate. However, Kate didn't love him so Charles only killed Sam, and became an enemy to Kate.Kate was so sad that she became one of the most feared robber in all the West.She also robbed Stanley's great grandfather's entire fortune and buried them under the ground. When Kate returned to the old town, she lived in a cabin. One morning, she was found by Charles, he made Kate dig the holes to search for those treasures that she had buried, but just then a lizard bit her ankle and she died.Since then, the Walker family has been searching for the treasure that she had buried.Hence, Stanley happened to dig his great-grandfather's fortune for a family who were enemy to the robber who had robbed his great-grandfather's fortune, but Stanley didn't know that until they found the suitcase.
(As for the connection between Stanley family and Zeroni family, in Stanley's great-great grandfather's (Elya Yelnats) time, Madame Zeroni and Elya are good friends. Once she sends Elya a piglet only if Elya carries her up to the mountain so that she can drink from the stream. However, he breaks his promise. This is why the Stanley's family are cursed that so many bad things happen to their family, until Stanley and Hector find the suitcase, and thus lift the curse.)
福誠高中 |
205 |
古〇郡 |
Eye of the storm
書名/Eye of the storm推薦者/福誠高中‧古〇郡內容簡介:
This book talks about a hurricane called Irene. It starts at Africa, sweeping through Atlantic Ocean to North America. Since it blows past the sea, making it much stronger than any other hurricane, killing people partying on the sea, and leaving no one surviving on the ship.
A married couple named Rick and Elaine Bridges live on the island that hurricane goes past by. When Rick is playing with his child, the hurricane is passing their island so fast that Rick can not believe it - Irene destroys their house, and everything in the living room has been blown away. Luckily, Rick takes his child to the basement in time. They are finally alive in these horrible hurricane.
On the other hand, while that hurricane goes through the sea, Ikemi’s father, a fisherman who likes to go fishing every day, still goes fishing on the sea that day. However, when he wants to go back home, the boat’s engine is broken down, and he rings the last phone call to his daughter, and tells her where he is. Ikemi wants to save her father as fast as she can, so she finds his boyfriend, Max to help her. Because Max is a flying school’s student, he asks Ross Peters, who is Max’s teacher, to lend a plane to him. Max and Ikemi, fly to the place where Ikemi’s father is located, but the hurricane is also on the spot. Max drives Sea Airplane, and wants to land down, but the wind is too strong. At the same time, Ikemi’s father starts to lose body temperature, so they decide to pull Ikemi’s father, hoping he can escape from the hurricane. Fortunately, at last, the father is saved, and he finally agrees his daughter to get married to Max.
樹德家商 |
205 |
戴〇淇 |
Anne of Green Gables
書名/Anne of Green Gables推薦者/樹德家商‧戴〇淇內容簡介:
The book is about an orphan whose name is Anne. She had a miserable life. Her parents died young. Soon after the couple died, Anne was sent to the orphanage. Meanwhile, the siblings in Green Gables whose name are Matthew and Marilla needed a little boy to help the work at farm. They called the orphanage, asking whether there had a boy that they could adopt. But after the kid arrived, Matthew found there was only a little girl, so he had no choice but to bring her back to Green Gables. When Marilla first saw Anne, she refused to adopt Anne. After few days, Marilla, however, found that Anne was an outgoing and helpful girl, so she then changed her mind. They decided to adopt Anne. The relationship between the two women had heated up by getting along with each other every day. The bad news was that Matthew’s body was getting weaker and weaker and he died eventually. Anne and Marilla took all the work and made the determination of taking care of the farm of Green Gables.
After reading the interesting story, personally speaking I feel that it certainly fills me with a positive energy. To her sorrow, Anne’s experience in her youth was sympathetic. She was by her own efforts to overcome a great number of difficulties step by step. Anne's stories are very touching for me and rare to be found in the society today. I believed that Anne's imagined beautiful paradise may exist between ordinary people around. Even if she had a bad childhood that made her life upset, god is fair to everyone. No matter how much efforts you have to pay, you will surely have something in return. All we can do is keep going and do our best in life.
樹德家商 |
205 |
楊〇昱 |
Anne of Green Gables
書名/Anne of Green Gables推薦者/樹德家商‧楊〇昱內容簡介:
What a colorful life that Anne has! In the book of Anne of Green Gables, Anne is described as a person who has a bright personality, full of fantasy and self-esteem. However, in the beginning, Matthew has a heart attack so Matthew and Marilla want a boy in order to help them about the work of farm. Accidentally, the orphanage sends a girl with red hair and freckles. Marilla initially wants to send Anne back. But, as time passing by, Matthew and Marilla gradually embrace Anne, finding that Anne works hard to help them. Also, Anne makes two good friends, Gilbert and Diana, there. Although Anne originally hates Gilbert, she eventually embraces him. However, Anne gets into troubles and deals with it again and again, learning from troubles as well. Due to caring from the people around her, she grows into a mature person who can face with challenges by herself. However, she gradually encounters some drawbacks from their family or their career, and Anne eventually copes with them. With her hard works, she not only wins the love of her adopters, but also earns the care and friendship of teachers and classmates. In the end, Anne proves that she is an optimistic, brave and caring girl.
三民高中 |
205 |
簡〇倫 |
The Mayor of Casterbridge
書名/The Mayor of Casterbridge 推薦者/三民高中‧簡〇倫內容簡介:
This novel is easy and suitable for senior high school students to read. The development of the story begins with a young couple, Michael Henchard and Susan Henchard, walking into a village of Weldon Priors, and they were ready to eat something.
And the restaurant owner said Michael could have some wine after having meals, and they agreed. Then he got drunk and began to shout that he would sell his wife and his daughter, Elizabeth Jane. Afterwards, he sold them to a sailor.
The next day, Michael was very regretful, so he vowed not to touch alcohol again. After several years of isolation, the sailor died. Susan and her daughter returned home to find his husband, Michael. At this time, Michael was already a mayor. Originally, he wanted to marry Lucetta, who was once a close partner. But he felt that he owed Susan too much, so he chose to marry her, instead of Lucetta.
The story after the reunion is what I think the most wonderful part of the novel is. I hope my introduction will help you pick up the book and read it through.
高雄中學 |
206 |
楊〇翔 |
The Fix
書名/The Fix推薦者/高雄中學‧楊〇翔內容簡介:
Maybe you’ve heard of the ”Memory Man series”, a set of crime novels featuring a big man named Amos Decker. Amos used to be a professional football player, but was unlucky enough to be knocked on the head violently on his first play. The hit caused big changes to his brain: synesthesia and hyperthymesia, which gave him some mental abilities: to never forget anything. One day after seeing his family being somehow killed when he was away, he had a total emotional breakdown. But he later decided to live with the grief and become an agent using his mental ability and physical advantages to solve cases. By the way, The Fix is the third book in the series, but it really doesn’t matter because each book has only little link between them. The Fix talks about a murder which occurred right on the street in front of a FBI building where Amos was to witness. The murderer committed suicide right after killing the victim. Amos was’t able to figure out the reason to why he killed her and why in front of the FBI, so Amos and his colleagues set out to solve the case. What seemed like just a normal case turned out to be connected to spy rings, gambling debts, national security and some other massive problems. Eventually things got really serious—the worldwide kind of serious— and they had to bring in the president and lots of oversea agencies to help… Every part of the story are perfectly linked, and points of the story echoes with one another. Personally, I think the author, David Baldacci, is a genius because he always ends every chapter—and even the whole book—in a way so tempting that it makes readers find it impossible to give up reading. I actually ended up buying the whole Memory Man series with allowance just because of this book! The Fix has action, family, bond, brainstorming, science, and many other decent elements in it, which makes it worth being the bestsellers. Trust me, the moment you finish reading it, you’ll want to buy the the whole series just like I did. The Fix is what brought me to a whole new experience of novels, so I recommend it to you from the bottom of my heart.
六龜高中 |
501 |
石〇宜 |
Life of Pi
書名/Life of Pi推薦者/六龜高中‧石〇宜內容簡介:
Life of Pi is a novel by Canadian writer Yann Martel. The protagonist is Pi, an Indian boy whose original name “Piscine” was often pronounced as “pissing” by his schoolmates. He thus establishes a shorter and philosophical version of his name, “Pi,” and claims that it represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Pi is adherent to three religions in which he tries to understand God from different perspectives.
Due to the political turmoil in India then, Pi’s father decides to shut down the zoo and have the whole family emigrated to Canada. On their way to Canada, the ship sank due to a storm, and only Pi survived. He escaped onto a lifeboat and finds himself accompanied by a spotted hyena, an injured zebra, an orangutan, and a tiger (Richard Parker) hiding under the boat's tarpaulin. Pi is aghast at what he sees next: the hyena kills the zebra and the orangutan before it is killed by Richard Parker. In order to prevent himself from being eating by Parker, Pi constructs a small raft away from the boat. He feeds Parker and tries to tame it, by blowing a whistle while the latter suffers from seasick, since Parker is the only one who can keep him company.
Some time later, the boat drifts to an island inhabited by hundreds of thousands of meerkats. Pi and Parker regain their strength there until Pi discovers that the island is carnivorous and returns to the ocean with Parker. At last, they reach a beach in Mexico where Parker disappears in a jungle without even looking back.
After Pi is rescued, he tells the two officials from the Japanese Ministry of Transport his story, but they refuse to believe in what he says. He thus tells them the second version of his story – the tiger, the hyena, the orangutan, and the zebra are actually Pi himself, the cook, Pi’s mother, and the sailor respectively. The investigators think that the second version is more plausible but they choose to believe in the animal version. It corresponds with Pi's belief in God through various religions.
At the end of the story, Pi studies Religion and Zoology at the University of Toronto, gets married, and has his own family. Sometimes, he still recalls Richard Parker and his callous departure.